Tuesday, September 18, 2007

30 Days of Swimming - Day 3

My third day was much easier than the second. The drills are becoming much more comfortable and I felt much less tight. Same workout as yesterday, 8 x 25yds with 20 seconds between reps. Catch Up, Fist, Figngertip Drag, Three/Six and Thumb to Thigh Drills. The Catch Up drill in particular felt much more comfortable today.
The whole workout was again about 1100 yards and took 35-40 minutes, I wasn't timing it.

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1 comment:

Pitch to Pub said...


You ought to go out and get a kickboard and some fins or zoomers (short fins). Kicking is always a good way to break up a workout, and kicking or swimming with fins will help you with your ankle flexibility which I would wager is not good for you, and allow you to really emphasize your hip rotation.

Just a thought.
