Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Moab Goal

I decided to set a second attempt at the Moan 100 this March as a major target for this spring. In discussing this with a fellow Fitizen I was prodded to share my plan making process.
First, where was I at? I'd been running, but without much focus and without as much consistency as I should. No excuses, I just hadn't had my act together.
To get to Moab and feel confident of being able to finish, I want to hit at least one 50+ mile long run before the race. Preferably two. Three would be ideal.
So how do I figure out if that's feasible? Experience mostly. I have an 'aggressive' training plan template that I have used in the past that I know from experience won't land me an injury. For lack of a better name I call it the 10/20 plan.
The 10 is for the 10% rule. I keep my weekly training mileage increases to 10% or less. This is a good, safe, general rule of thumb for runners in general. The few times I've knocked myself out with an injury were when I ignored this rule.
The 20 is for 20%, which is the maximum amount I will increase my long run per week. This loads the bulk of my weekly mileage to my weekend long runs, enabling me to extend my mileage aggressively and keeping my midweek runs shorter so I can recover better. I'll run three to four days other than my long run, with one or two of those being intense speed work.
So, I set a plan for a very easy first week then applied the 10/20 to ensuing weeks and found that I should be able to get in a couple 50+ milers, with regular easy weeks sprinkled in.
As a result, my weekly long runs will climb thus:

While my weekly mileage will climb:

This isn't an approach I recommend for others. I built up to trying it in the past so I know that as long as I'm smart and listen to my body, I can take this approach just fine.
The other important thing about this plan is that because it is so aggressive, if something goes bad and I miss a week, I'm probably screwed.
For this reason, it's good to have a backup plan so your training efforts don't feel 'wasted'. Moab has a 50k (31 mile) race held at the same time as the 100. In truth, this is a much more realistic goal, but if everything goes right, then the 100 is a very real possibility. I'm in better shape than I was when I made my first attempt at Moab and I learned a whole lot from that first experience on the slickrock.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Celebration VI: Day II

We got a later start on Friday as there wasn't anything we had planned for early on Day II.
We caught some of the Droid races, which were a bit disappointing from our vantage point to be honest. It was more of what I would call a skills challenge than an actual race. We also didn't have the beat view, which likely didn't help.
My sister-in-law and I went to a workshop for "Planning Your Star Wars Wedding", which was pretty amusing and interesting. A few of the highlights:
Drunkenmoogle.com - for scifi/fantasy alcoholic drinks
Whengeekswed.com - self explanatory
Never underestimate the value of child labor
I got some great photos on Friday as well, including Wooliees, Vader and a pretty awesome Mara Jade. I also picked up some souvenirs and Nils bought Star Wars (Original Trilogy) Trivial Pursuit, which he gave to me for the lightsaber I bought him.
After the convention, we headed back to our 'cabin' at Fort Wilderness and headed to the pool to relax for the evening

Friday, August 24, 2012

Celebration VI: Day I

CelebrationVI Day 1 summary:
Got to the convention center right around opening, though it took a while to find our way around and get in since my brother, in his Mandalorian Merc armor had to get his blaster checked out. Lightsabers, as elegant weapons from a more civilized era, did not need to be checked.
The hall was packed, like the world's biggest toystore devoted all to Star Wars. There were three different Lego areas, a huge (and expensive) autograph area, lasertag... Well, you can read about all that on the site.
Nils and I wandered around a bit, checking out toys, shirts and prices while waiting for my brother and his wife. We finally met up with them at the Mercs area where my brother was in his element. He posed for pictures with kids and adults in his armor and hung out with other mercs for most of the morning. Meanwhile, Nils, my sister-in-law Arielle and myself wandered around the exhibits, taking photos, posing with other fans, picking up free shwag and drinking in the atmosphere.
We had few solid plans for the day. One was for my brother to get Peter Mayhew's autograph, which we did in the early afternoon. The other was seeing Fanboys, with the writer and director there.
If you aren't familiar with Fanboys, it's about, obviously, Fanboys of Star Wars. It was highly anticipated, but never really saw much of a release. It is essentially a theatrical homage to Star Wars and its fanbase and is a lot of fun whether you are a fan or just know other fans.
The day wrapped up with my brother going off to a Mercs dinner with his wife while Nils and I went to see Expendables 2, which was as epically bad as it looked... So it was a lot of fun.
And now... Day II.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fitocracy and throwing down the gauntlet

Fitocracy.com is this really great website for "gamifying" fitness. You log and track workouts of all sorts, then the game system applies point values to your workout. The workouts can be weight routines, running, dance, even things like taking the stairs. The site was created by a couple if formerly out-of-shape geeks who found it easier to make fitness fun by thinking of it as leveling up their lives. There are quests and achievements to chase which provide bonus points as well as badges to show off your prowess.

It's a great site for encouraging people to get fit and the social network aspect builds support and encouragement. Personally I've found it to be great motivation to actually track my workouts, as well as encouragement to branch out and try some weights or yoga or other new activities.

The latest feature is the ability to challenge other members to duels. You pick a length of time and see who can run the most miles, lift the most weight or earn the most points during that time period.

This has been a great new tool and has created a lot if excitement on the site. Personally, I've taken the opportunity to throw down the gauntlet against one of the biggest names in running on the site, fellrnr, for a monthlong running mileage challenge. Fellrnr, aka Jonathan Savage, is an ultrarunner of no small skill. He cranks out marathon mileage like most people crank out three milers. I may be the first person to have the nerve to take him on. Realistically, I don't have a snowball's chance, but I think the daunting challenge will provide some kickstarting motivation to take my running up a notch or ten. And who knows what could happen in a month... there are few things I relish as much as a challenge!

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The Mazer Cup International

This past Friday and Saturday the Mazer Cup International was held here in Boulder, Colorado. The MCI is one of the biggest mead competitions in the world, that it's held practically in my backyard is pretty exciting. That I was able to get Friday off from work to judge meads at the competition meant exactly one thing... it was Mead-mas!

it's hard to know exactly where to start with the Mazer Cup. I guess the question of how I came to be judging is as good a place as any. While I've been studying for the Mead judge's certification of the Beer Judging Certification Program (BJCP) and have made a point of tasting and evaluating every new mead I come across on top of my sampling of my 30+ batches of my own mead, I didn't expect to be accepted when I volunteered to judge due to the fact that I haven't yet taken the MJCP. Two things played in my favor though. The first is that scheduling an MJCP exam is apparently quite a challenge, so many judges don't have the certification. Secondly, through a combination of illness and other unfortunate circumstances the MCI was short on judges so being available locally on short notice played out in my favor.

That said, in spite of my lack of certification, I think I acquitted myself quite admirably and the conversations I had with the other judges supported that, as I was able to pick out flaws, subtle flavors and give the sort of helpful feedback that I would have expected to receive myself from the other judges for my own mead. It can be a lot harder to objectively judge something you have labored over yourself.

Friday was the commercial competition and I spent the morning judging braggots, which are a beer/mead combination. many of the beer components were barrel aged, which is popular in brewing these days. And for good reason as it adds a lot of great complexity to the flavors of both mead as well as beer. The highlight was a triple barrel aged braggot composed of a stout made with caramelized raisins aged in whiskey barrels, an American brown ale with plums aged in a French merlot barrel and a wildflower honey aged in an oak barrel. Simply put, it was spectacular. Not surprisingly, it went on to take gold.

That afternoon I moved on to tasting sack strength dessert meads. There were a lot of entries and the alcohol content was high so we took our time, but ultimately we came across a mead made with Polish buckwheat honey that was just... amazing. It was everything you could ask for in the style, sweet without being cloying, with a great alcohol/sweetness balance and wonderful complexity to the flavor of the honey.

Finally I wrapped up the evening with a set of dry traditionals which were quite good, but as I'm not much of a fan of dry meads none of them stood out so well for me as the other categories.

When day one was over though, I was left tempering the expectations for my own entries for the homebrew competition. While I really enjoyed my own meads, they didn't have the technical nuance that most of the meads I had sampled possessed.

Saturday was the homebrew portion of the competition, which is when things got more interesting. For one thing, I had to stay alert to make sure I didn't end up judging my own categories. For another, some of the homebrew submissions were... less than stellar. Usually the problem with these was that there was something wrong with the process, such as bottles that hadn't been properly rinsed before bottling (one tasted like Dawn detergent, yikes!). On the other hand, many of them were very adventurous in ways the commercial entries weren't. Some examples include meads made with peppers, and meads aged in bacteria infected barrels to produce sour flavors. Almost every entry provided lessons on things to do and things not to do.

On top of all the meads though, were the people. I don't think it would be a stretch to say that meadmakers are the nerdy oddballs of the brewing community, and that's ceainly not a knock as I'm a nerdy oddball myself. There were a lot of folks from the new England area, which was really great to see, and a lot of volunteers from the nearby area. There were entries, and entrants in attendance, from Canada, Sweden, Slovakia, Germany and Poland and I found myself with a group from Poland and Germany at the awards reception dinner. I dusted off my few remaining Polish phrases from my visit eight years ago (I can't believe it was that long ago) and generally tried to get to know them, which is tricky in such situations.

Soon enough though, it was time for the awards to be presented and for the anxiety in the room to step it up a notch...

Monday, January 09, 2012

Muscle Restoration Therapy

I've been off my running game for the last several months due to an injury that I recently acknowledged was plantar fasciitis. Yup, the dreaded PF. Pretty sure I got it as a result of ignoring some of the cardinal rules of running by adding too much mileage too fast and not giving myself adequate recovery time. Stupid things to do and I ought to know better.

I DO know better, I just didn't listen.

After a chance encounter with Mark Van Akkeren I decided, on his advice, to see Josh Shadle at Tri-Massage (http://tri-massage.com) for some treatment. Mark warned me to bring something to bite down on for the treatment, boy do I wish I had listened.

Josh began by asking me about my problem and the symptoms, and what had been done to treat them. I'd been doing plantar stretches, calf stretches, foot massage with a plastic spiky ball the size if a golfball and icing my foot.

Then he moved on to a series of muscle tests to determine where the weakness in my musculature was that caused the PF.  He found the deficiency pretty fast and began to, painfully, loosen up the affected areas.

The problem, he explained, isn't my calf or the sole of my foot (which he barely touched). Those are symptoms. The calf muscle was overworking due to another imbalance on the outside of my lower leg. The muscles and ligaments there were weak and tight and not doing their job, so other parts of my leg picked up the slack and got overworked.

He loosened up and activated the tight, weak areas and showed my some self-massage to do frequently throughout the day to keep them loose and active.

And that was that. Do the self-massage and I should be fine. No follow up should be necessary. If it's not feeling better in a few weeks, go back for some more deep massage, but usually that's not needed.

But Josh, when can I start running again? Any time. The next day if I like. Running should help strengthen the now loosened and activated musculature. Just take it easy, be smart and do the self-massage often. Ten times a day or more.

I'll admit to being slightly skeptical. It couldn't really be that simple, could it? But this morning the pain in my foot was significantly reduced. My leg feels like hell from the massage, but that's not unexpected, I've had deep tissue massage before and I know the price. If this is the price for health and running, I'll pay it any day.