Monday, January 09, 2012

Muscle Restoration Therapy

I've been off my running game for the last several months due to an injury that I recently acknowledged was plantar fasciitis. Yup, the dreaded PF. Pretty sure I got it as a result of ignoring some of the cardinal rules of running by adding too much mileage too fast and not giving myself adequate recovery time. Stupid things to do and I ought to know better.

I DO know better, I just didn't listen.

After a chance encounter with Mark Van Akkeren I decided, on his advice, to see Josh Shadle at Tri-Massage ( for some treatment. Mark warned me to bring something to bite down on for the treatment, boy do I wish I had listened.

Josh began by asking me about my problem and the symptoms, and what had been done to treat them. I'd been doing plantar stretches, calf stretches, foot massage with a plastic spiky ball the size if a golfball and icing my foot.

Then he moved on to a series of muscle tests to determine where the weakness in my musculature was that caused the PF.  He found the deficiency pretty fast and began to, painfully, loosen up the affected areas.

The problem, he explained, isn't my calf or the sole of my foot (which he barely touched). Those are symptoms. The calf muscle was overworking due to another imbalance on the outside of my lower leg. The muscles and ligaments there were weak and tight and not doing their job, so other parts of my leg picked up the slack and got overworked.

He loosened up and activated the tight, weak areas and showed my some self-massage to do frequently throughout the day to keep them loose and active.

And that was that. Do the self-massage and I should be fine. No follow up should be necessary. If it's not feeling better in a few weeks, go back for some more deep massage, but usually that's not needed.

But Josh, when can I start running again? Any time. The next day if I like. Running should help strengthen the now loosened and activated musculature. Just take it easy, be smart and do the self-massage often. Ten times a day or more.

I'll admit to being slightly skeptical. It couldn't really be that simple, could it? But this morning the pain in my foot was significantly reduced. My leg feels like hell from the massage, but that's not unexpected, I've had deep tissue massage before and I know the price. If this is the price for health and running, I'll pay it any day.

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