Friday, December 07, 2007

I am Osito

Guess who's back in Boulder... go on, guess...
If you guessed me, then you have a gift for guessing the obvious (rather like I do).
I'm here on Cloud 9 for a week taking a vacation. Yes, a vacation. Ok, so I will probably work on my thesis a little, but only if I want to.
yes, I'll be running in the cold and the snow (Did I mention it's snowing?) but only because I want to.
I'm here to see friends, have fun and relax. This means copious amounts of time chilling in coffee houses with a book (finishing the last Harry Potter again right now), good food, fun times and generally enjoying life.
My old roommate, Hershey (aka Harshana) is about to graduate and move back to South Africa, so that's the big impetus for me to come out here, to see here and wish her well.
I'm also going to be meeting with Mark to talk about coaching.

Otherwise, pure fun and relaxation. The last two weeks of school were insanely busy and I definitely need a break.

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