Saturday, December 15, 2007

My First Ironman - Update!

Well, there have been a few developments since my last installment of My First Ironman.

First, I've taken on a coach, Mark Van Akkeren (this has been covered elsewhere) and through discussions with him, I've decided NOT to do an Ironman in 2008. I want to give my first race everything I've got and I want to take this year to build up my pace and base towards that end.

Shortly thereafter, of course, IM Arizona made the official switch to November. IMAZ in November had been my front runner for a race next year and I was sorely tempted to take it on. Still, I resisted. But having IMAZ in November in the future should be a good thing.

Finally, it seems as though there is going to be an Iron distance race held in my hometown of Plymouth next year. Details are sketchy but here's what I know...
New England Triathlon Festival at Plymouth Rock
August 31, 2008
Iron distance and International (Olympic) distance
A permit for the race has been issued
Press conference expected on January 4th
The Iron distance is out of the question, unfortunately, for this year. However, the Olympic is something I'll have to do.

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