Monday, December 10, 2007

Another day in paradise

Another lovely day in Boulder, CO. People drool over The OC... give me The CO any day.
I got a tour of another architeture firm here in Boulder, I wasn't terribly impressed. Then I went to visit my old firm, Boulder Associates. It was SO good to be back there! Everyone seemed so happy to see me, it was really great. It sounds like I can count on having a job there when I get out of grad school (provided they're hiring, which they expect to be) which is fantastic. I really enjoyed working there.

Sign of the Apocalypse... my parents are talking about putting a wind turbine on their roof. Yes, you read that right. Now many of my readers (all two of them) may not have much of a sense of my parents so you'll just have to take my word for it that this is... surprising. In other ways it's not since my mother likes pie in the sky ideas, but this just seems a little more unusual than most.
Still, I intend to encourage it and help them out with it however possible.

Met with Mark today and talked about sustainability, working out, Boulder, travel and, of course, training. Because of my odd schedule this month, rather than give me a fixed schedule, he's going to give me specific blocks of workouts to do each week and I'll fit them in my schedule as I can.
Then once December is over he'll have something set up that will fit into my school schedule.

Then, this evening, I went for a run up Boulder Creek. The sound of the Creek keeping me company as I ventured up into the beginning of the canyon... the snow... the absolute peace and majesty of it...

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