Sunday, November 25, 2007

Cape Wind Opponents

The Cape Wind project ( is proposing 130 large wind turbines to generate power in Nantucket Sound. Thus far, Cape Wind has met every environmental and conservation challenge and is backed by the World Wildlife Fund, Greenpeace, Masspirg, the Conservation Law Foundation, and numerous others.
Yet the so-called Alliance to protect Nantucket Sound ( which was recently ridiculed by Jon Stewart (
insists that it's bad for the environment, even though all these groups that are normally considered extremists are backing it as not being a threat to the environment. They say the project will produce more expensive power and that people won't pay an additional premium for wind power. This last part in particular is flat out wrong. Businesses throughout Boulder proudly pay a premium for wind power and advertise that they do so. People WILL pay more for cleaner energy and independence from foreign oil.
They claim it's a threat to public safety, even though the Coast Guard, Air force and other agencies addressing these areas have disagreed. The best the Alliance can do for an advocate of
these claims is a retired Lieutenant Commander, one who no doubt received a nice Advising Fee.
Which brings me to the reason I'm posting about this today.
The Boston Globe today had an article about Cape Wind's finances (
Turns out that of Cape Wind's $2m budget this past year, 75% of it was provided by 9 donors. Almost 25% of the total fundraising by one donor. Yet these people claim to represent the popular will. None of their donors are listed publicly.
This is NIMBYism at it's worst and it wouldn't surprise me to find out that some of these large donors have some fiscal interest in keeping Cape Wind out. Such as, perhaps, another energy company built around fossil fuels.

1 comment:

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

I think wind turbines are pleasant to look at. It's peaceful like watching the grass blow in the wetlands behind my house. They can put those turbines in MN anytime!