Tuesday, October 02, 2007

30 Days of Swimming - Days 16 and 17

Day 16 - I wanted to get in a solid mile swim today but I ended up being pinched for time and only got in a 1200yard swim, and even then I took more time than I ought to have. It's disappointing, which in a way is hilarious since two weeks ago a 1200yard swim seemed like a huge challenge and a mile? Forget it!

Day 17 - I just realized I'm closer to the end of this than I am to the beginning. Weird huh?
It's good in a way though, because I'm starting to feel a little worn down. I wanted to do 5 sets of drills for 2000yards but ended up doing only 3 for 1200 yards. I was just too tired. 1200 is going to be my base minimum from here on out I think

I'm surprised I've had so little trouble keeping up with the 30 days of swimming, as well as the blogging. I think both have reinforced each other a lot. I know there are people reading this, some very regularly, and I think it has helped motivate me to do the workouts and to write about them. To those of you who are reading my silly little ramblings, Thank you. To those of you who have been commenting, providing suggestions and cheering me one... and even bigger Thank You!
Starting tomorrow I'm going to mix my swim workouts up a little bit more. While I've been using the information Mike Ricci (http://www.d3multisports.com) gave me, I haven't been using the actual workouts so much. Tomorrow that's going to change.

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1 comment:

Pepper said...

I read your blogs! It makes me feel like I'm working out myself by proxy or something. Ha ha. I am so impressed with you. :)