Monday, March 24, 2008

The Post of Shame...

I hate missing workouts. If I miss one, I get grumpy, a couple and I'm miserable... miss a whole week and all I've got is shame.
Ok, so maybe I shouldn't feel that bad about it. my thesis was due on Friday and I literally didn't leave the school except to go home and sleep (one night not even that happened). I'm sure Matt over at Athletic Wannabee knows what that's like. Surviving off of homemade trail mix and whatever food I could get delivered and spending a ridiculous number of hours writing. I missed the whole week. As excited as I was to get going on training with the new benchmarks, the time just wasn't there.
however, i'm back in the saddle now. I got a decent ride in Saturday while watching the Original version of Empire Strikes Back, then got ina nice long run outdoors on Sunday. I'd have gone for a swim too but the rec was closed for Easter. I had forgotten it was Easter... this time last year I was in Boulder.
Oh, and I turned 29 on Friday.

Today i had a great swim. Well, not great, but certainly quite enjoyable. The pool was set to the 50m orientation for a change so i got to do my workout in a 50m pool for the first time. it was also a 3400m swim, my longest single workout yet, just over 2 miles. I thought about shooting for 2.4 miles... but decided against it, I'll get there soon enough.


Mark said...

Nice swim bro - now stop slackin' off missing workouts!!!


Athletic Wannabee said...

Congrats on finishing the Thesis! I bet it feels good to be training w/ out the big project hanging over your shoulder. The week off was probably great for some muscle recovery anyway and you still pretty far out from the 5430. That little 1/2 marathon won't give you any trouble at all.
So feel some guilt, get over it and as you said get "back on the saddle".
Hit it Headhunter Ben!