Thursday, April 10, 2008

Catching up

I've been away from here for entirely too long.
My training has been going so-so. I've had some really, really good days and some less than good days.
Last Sunday through Tuesday (3/30-4/1) were some GREAT training days. Sunday I started ignoring my watch when out on my run. Well, not entirely, basically I just set it so that I couldn't see what my pace was, instead just watching the total time and trying to monitor my current effort. I ended up doing 10.2 miles in 90 minutes, an 8:48 pace! And I felt really good.
Monday was more of the same, this time on the bike. My 90 minute bike ride resulted in an average 138 watts. When i did my swim, the pool was set to 50m instead of 25 yards... what a difference THAT makes! I think i mentioned this once before, but holy cow...
Then Tuesday I rocked the bike AND the run on my interval sets.

On the not so great side, I missed my speed workouts the last two weeks... I just got so caught up in my work that I completely missed them. My swim on Sunday was short too because, again, I got caught up working and forgot how late it was so I was only able to get in part of the workout.
On the plus side, these are time management problems, not problems due to injury, over-training or anything like that so I should be (and I am!) thankful for that. Eventually I'm going to get my internal clock straight and get my sorry butt out of bed early enough to work out BEFORE I go to studio, that way I can't get caught up in work and lose track of time.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm really good at setting the alarm to go off early in the morning the next day, but awful at actually waking up to it and getting my shit together.

If you ever figure that out, let me know how you did it.