Friday, April 15, 2011

Leadman Prep

The first event of the Leadman, the Leadville Marathon, is now just eleven weeks away, which means the final event of the Leadman, the Leadville Trail 100, is eighteen weeks away. Time is getting short!

In spite of my shortcomings in Moab, I remain confident that the 100 mile distance is within my grasp. The biggest challenges will be the hills and the altitude. I've been running Sanitas fairly regularly during the week to get stronger as a climber, I've certainly gotten faster, chopping seven minutes off my best time in the last two weeks.

I'm also going to work Bear Peak and Green Mountain into my weekend long runs, at least on those weekends when I'm not doing a race, as I did with the Horsetooth half this past Sunday.

So, until the Leadman is done, hills will be the name of the game. Short, intense hillwork during the week and long hills combined into my weekend long runs. Love them or hate them, I've got to embrace them.


Unknown said...

The Moab performance indicates you've overlooked something too big to correct between now and 08/20/2011. Consider shifting most of your attention to completing Silver Rush 50M in less than 12 hrs. Until you can manage that, your odds at Leadville 100M are quite unfavorable.

Brenda said...

While I appreciate the attempt at feedback, since I haven't posted a race report for Moab, the only information you could possibly go off of is my official time from the race website, which would tell a very incomplete story, to say the least.
Suffice it to say, I will finish Leadville.