Thursday, June 26, 2008

Back in Bouldah!

I arrived back in Bouldah Tuesday evening and I've been pretty busy since then.
Tuesday i was up early unpacking and rearranging the dozen or so boxes in my room (along with massive bags of luggage/clothing). This was mostly an effort to get enough space free in my room to put my bike back together, which I did. There were a few adjustments still to be made but the bike and a lot of unpacking were done by noon.
Lunch and a stroll around Bouldah brought me home in time for a 1:30 run. Not my smartest choice as far as time, however I kept a short course that looped back to my house every 10 minutes or so. This allowed me to cut the run short if the altitude and heat got to me and allowed me to hydrate frequently (there was a water fountain at the far point of my loop so I could hydrate every 5 minutes if necessary). I ended up getting in a 40+ minute run and didn't have any of the lower back acheyness I had on Monday.
Today I headed out to the DMV to get my new license. The DMV was as much fun as I remember it being... which is to say NONE! I also headed over to the NoBo Rec Center and got an annual pass. Then i headed home for some food and to prep for the Stroke N Stride. This was also when the bubble was about to burst.
Thinking the SnS was at 7, I took out my bike out to do some last minute adjustments since I was going to ride it to the SnS and as I was doing them, I popped over to the SnS website to check the temp at the Res.
There at the top of the page was the start time... 6pm. NUTS! It was 5:30... no was I was going to get there in half an our, I didn't even have air in my tires yet!
Scratch the SnS, there was no time to get there.
So I decided to finish up the bike and take it for a ride. I did some extra tweaking and adjusting, then brought it outside to fill up the tires. I pump up the rear tires, take off the pump and the valve seal to the tires breaks! Tube = Dead 45 minutes of searching told me I had somehow left my spare back in Cincinnati. Nuts.
Oh, and by then, UBikes was closed so no new tube tonight. Double Nuts.
My productive roll had hit a serious wall.

The big bummer of it is that I've been looking forward to that Stroke N Stride for about 2 months.... There's always next week, but still...

1 comment:

Athletic Wannabee said...

Hey Boston, welcome back to tri-town. Chalk up the bad day as a necessary dip on the roller coaster; making way for the good times at the top.
And man, 3500m swim. I am not worthy.