Saturday, June 21, 2008

Long swim

If there's one thing that has suffered more than anything over the last month, between my thesis, graduation and moving, it's been my swim.
So when I found myself with the opportunity to actually get to a pool yesterday (I'm in the Boston area this week and getting to a pool is tricky) and saw that I had 3500 yards on the schedule... I was a little uncertain that I'd be able to do the whole workout.
So I set some priorities for the swim.
#1 Keep my form clean. If my form started to fall apart, there wouldn't be a whole lot of good coming out of struggling through the rest of the swim.
#2 Finish the distance. 3500 yards is probably the longest swim I've done in a workout, just under 2 miles.
#3 Escalate my times. The workout calls for 3x1000, with each 1000 being faster than the one preceding.
So how did I do?
Well not to hop around but I did the whole distance (huzzah!) and I kept my form pretty clean. I felt it start to slip a little going into the last 1000, but I was able to keep it going ok. I haven't looked at the data yet but I'm pretty sure I beat my first 1000 with my second one, but my third was almost certainly my slowest.
I'm really looking forward to getting back to Boulder next week and being able to establish a routine again. Especially one that involves a 40 hour work week instead of 18+ hours a day in studio!

1 comment:

MarkyV said...


Now to take you up a mile in elevation. :)