Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bicycle... Bicycle...!

What is a bicycle? A bicycle is freedom.

The average human doesn't like to travel more than half an hour, this is something anthropologists have found throughout many cultures and across many periods of history, we stick within a half hour radius.

As a pedestrain, that's roughly 2 miles in any direction or 12.5 square miles.

with a bicycle, which i ride at 18-20mph, that's 9-10 miles in each direction or 254 square miles.

In the summer of 2006, I semi-regularly commuted an hour each way to work by bicycle. By that standard I now can call over 1000 square miles as being within my range.

A car would increase my range even further, but a car requires insurance, gasoline, a ridiculous up-front purchase price, parking spaces, etc, etc...

A bicycle gives me 1000 square miles with no strings attached.

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