Friday, December 17, 2010

2011 Running Goals

It's getting to be close to the New Year so I thought I would go over some of my running goals for the coming year.
My first goal, at least chronologically, is to win the individual run portion of the USAT Club Challenge. USA Triathlon does an annual event over three months during which members of triathlon clubs log their training mileage. There are multiple facets to the competition and the one that I want to focus on is during February, which is the run focused month. Whichever athlete logs the most miles during February, wins. Last year's winner had 350 miles, I figure that if I shoot for 400, that should be sure to do the job. I'm looking at the whole month of February as one very long endurance event.
My second goal is actually my primary goal for the year. The Leadman. 284.2 miles in 5 events in under two months. The first thought I had when I heard of it was "What kind of idiot would do something like that?" My second thought was, "I've got to try it!" I'm that kind of idiot I suppose.
The third goal is to finish three 100 mile trail races this year. Currently I'm eyeing Moab in late March, Leadville in August (part of the Leadman) and Boulder in October.
There are two or three other races I'm eyeing, but those three goals should keep me pretty busy for most of the year.

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