Thursday, March 25, 2010


Hey, what have we here..... A blog entry? Go figure.

It's been a long time since I last posted, for a variety of reasons, some importan and some not. All that really matters though is that I'm back, I'm refocused on rrunning in particular and training in general and I have a new goal... The Leadville 1@@ Trail Run.

For anyone not familiar with this race, it's pretty much what the name says, a 100 mile trail run in Leadville, Colorado.

I'm still going to do some triathlon training and I have an Ironman in mind, but a 100 miler is one of those things I'd really like to test myself against I've been training for it for a while, with an occasional hiccup due to illness or overload at work, but now I'm finally ready to commit to it.

1 comment:

MarkyV said...

wise crack one.... YES, he's BACK!