Sunday, March 28, 2010

Short update

I don't really have anything intersting to add, but it's beeen a few days so I thought I should post really quick. I've been running a lot (shocker!) and just focusing on getting my body adapted to doing a whole truckload of miles.
I did get a new Camelback which I'm kind of excited about. 2 liters and with enough storage space for a shirt and pants for my runs to and from work. I have a long commute by bus to work and being able to blog from my Palm Prē has me confident that I'll be blogging more often, though hopefully with more to say that today.


MarkyV said...

you are going to run home from denver?

Doug said...

I have a quick question for you. You said you've previously used the HIM training program on What do you think? I have the same background as you (have run a few marathons), so I was thinking about trying it out. Let me know what you think if you get a chance!


Brenda said...

I used the Beginner Triathlete training program for my first half iron race, or at least, a slightly modified version. I found that it did a fairly good job of preparing me physically for the race, however what ended up doing me in was a lack of mental preparation. The only sure way to get that type of preparation is with experience, either personal or imparted through someone you trust such as a coach. I found having a coach (MarkyV who posted above) was a HUGE help in subsequent races. If you can get a coach, I highly recommend it. If you can't, the BT plan is pretty good, but I'd still recommend getting involved in your local triathlon community or club and learning as much as you can about how to prepare that way.
Good luck and feel free to drop me a line if you have any other questions.

Doug said...

Excellent - thank you very much for the suggestions! I do have a local tri club so I'll look into joining them... I just started the BT training yesterday, and so far so good ;)

Thanks again - I may come back with more questions :)