Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Howdy Strangers...

It’s been a while since I posted, I’ll run through a few things real quick.


Winter is coming here in Boulder. There’s a nip in the air most mornings and the scent of snow, though it’s only snowed once so far. I see ice forming along the banks of Boulder creek and I’ve turned into an utter wimp when it comes to riding outside. I may start going in to work early so I can take a longer lunch and ride at lunchtime.


I found out my office encourages employees to decorate their desk for the holidays…. This could be dangerous.


I was in the pool a week or so after my swim lesson with mark, focusing on driving from my hips, reaching as if I was punching when I noticed that the punch/reach was leveraging my other arm that was already in the water doing the stroke. I wasn’t sure that was supposed to happen as I didn’t recall Mark mentioning it, but as I thought about it, it made sense. Sure enough, when I asked Mark, that’s exactly what I should be feeling.

As I think about it now, I remember back when I took Tae Kwon Do, every punch you throw is balanced by snapping back your other arm (and shoulder) which prepares you to punch with the other arm as well as generating more power.


Training is going fairly well. I’ve felt particularly good running lately, though my bike on the other hand kind of feels like it has plateaued. The swim is solid, Mark has me doing a lot of sprints to focus on improving my form and getting FASTER. It’s generally kind of boring (it’s laps in a pool after all), though the occasional breakthrough like I mentioned above is very exciting and I know it’s all working to make me faster.


I’m still figuring out my race schedule for next year aside from the IDT. I’m thinking about doing Wildflower, but I think I might be better served doing that the following year.


Mark had a great race at IMAZ, putting up a PB and finishing 13th among the pro men. Good on ya man!

1 comment:

MarkyV said...

getting faster is usually a boring process. ;)

i like the tae-kwan-do analogy