Saturday, October 18, 2008

I had a swim lesson with Mark yesterday, my second swim lesson ever with my first being  the one with Mike Ricci when I first learned to swim freestyle.Some highlights and reminders to myself: 

  1. I need to remember to keep my head down. Not so much tucked as facing down so as to lift my hips a little higher. I could feel the difference in my hips during the swim so that will hopefully make the adjustment (and catching myself when I don’t do it) easier. 
  2. I’ve heard people say to swim from the hips before but didn’t give a ton of attention to it because I thought they were referring to the kick and I think I do a decent job of turning with my hips instead of… well, anywhere else. Mark also told me to swim from my hips, but for the stroke, not the kick. Use the hips as if I were throwing a punch to engage my lats in the stroke. 
  3. Mark, Mr. Swimmer, thought the water was too cold in the pool. It doesn’t sound like something that would be that funny, but you’ll just have to trust me that it was. I was fine in the water, Mark had some trouble though. I still laugh sitting here thinking about it. Telling the coach to HTFU… Priceless. 
  4. Fist drills are back. Joy to the world. 
  5. As a personal thing, I really want to work on breathing on my right side. I feel like a duck with one wing only being able to breathe on one side.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Swim from the hips, now I get it a little better too. Hmm...thanks.
New England swimmers, we are the best. Nothing, well almost nothing, is too cold for us. (It was below freezing this morning and I have still yet to fit in my October swim-eee gads!)