Friday, August 15, 2008

A Cold and Food

I started feeling a little tickle in my throat early yesterday. I didn’t think much of it but by the end of the evening I was achy, had a sore throat and a headache. No congestion or dripping, just achiness. I opted not to do my swim yesterday evening since I usually feel worse after a swim if I have a cold, but I still got in an easy spin on my trainer just because I felt like I had to exercise, even a little.

On the plus side, I went with Kat and her sister to a great little restaurant called Sherpas that serves Indian and Nepali food. Great food, reasonable prices, nice size servings… I’ll definitely head back there again soon. I had the salmon tiikalla or something like that, I forget the name, but it was absolutely delicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yours was the salmon vindaloo-- lil sis got the tika masala; maybe that's where you got confused. They certainly looked similar... Sherpas is definitely hard to beat :)