Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bonk! Oops!

Went out for my bike ride this morning feeling really, really great. It was a beautiful day, warm sun, cool breeze, the leaves are changing color... the type of fall day you dream about.
I didn't ride with the BTC today since I got a late start, but I don't mind riding on my own. Some days I really prefer it. I did see Owen Hammond out on the road just about two hours into the ride. We caught up a bit and chatted, he introduced me to his buddy Jay (whose last name I won't try to pronounce, much less spell) and then they were off (they held back a bit to chat with me. owen and jay are speedy dudes).
About 2:15 into the ride, after one of my 15 minute hard intervals, I got really tired. Somehow, I had bonked. I knew it right away, but how could I have bonked, I didn't bonk during a 6.5 hour half IM, how did I bonk 2:15 into a training ride... oops... no breakfast! Doh!
I had been planning on making the ride a 3.5 hour one, but in light of my stupidity, I headed for home, arriving just after the 3 hour mark where I proceeded to do my best Eggheads impression... consume mass quantities!

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