Thursday, February 28, 2008

Idealistic v. Realistic

I read an article this evening on the Boston Globe website. This Op-Ed piece talked about the distinction between being realistic and being idealistic. The context was the realm of politics but as I mulled the words over and over in my head, I realized how many aspects of my life this piece reflected on and made me think about.
Idealism is about what is possible, it's about hope and what could be if we're willing to work hard enough. Realism, and being realistic, is grounded in the way things are, what IS and when someone says, "Let's be realistic" what they're often saying is, let's not dream, let's lower our expectations, our standards and our hopes.
I don't want... no, I CHOOSE not to be a realist. Realistically, a small guerrilla movement could not possibly drive out an occupying force of the world's mightiest empire and earn independence and the right of self-determination. Yet our founding father's did just that! What's more, they inspired other nations to do the same! Franklin, Jefferson, Washington did not just set about the independence of our nation, the initiated the collapse of a global empire. They stood up for ideals, for concepts and ideas that were beyond being what anyone in their day would call realistic and chose to dream. Then they chose to ACT in pursuit of those dreams. Ideals don't achieve themselves, they must be worked for, sacrificed for and pursued with all our heart. As soon as we compromise, we start settling for what is realistic.
I choose to pursue the ideal and I choose to act, henceforth, in pursuit of those ideals. That pertains to my training, my politics, my design philosophy and all aspects of my life. Why should I settle for what is realistic? I suppose the reason is fear. To pursue ideals we must make sacrifices, often of comfort. To pursue a dream of fitness and athletic achievement I would have to sacrifice relaxation time and comfort foods. For political ideal I would again have to sacrifice time and leisure in order to dedicate it to something greater.
We are blessed with the ability to conceive of ideals and the means to achieve them are within our hands... to not join the two... I can't imagine the words to describe what a shame that is.

Workouts and Race Schedule

Tuesday's workouts were great. Once again, I made a conscious effort to pay attention to how I felt during each workout.
During the run I had no recurrence of the side stitch that popped up during the same run last week. I spent some time talking to myself during the run in a way of trying to gauge my effort level, but since this isn't something I do frequently I don't have anything to judge it against. I can only say I wouldn't have had much trouble keeping up a conversation. I tried singing to myself (very quietly since I was in the gym) as well but that wasn't too successful. Then again, I don't think I've ever had an instance where I tried singing that could be called successful.
I lost track of time during the fourth repeat and went two minutes over the 5 minute set without blinking an eye. I felt pretty good when it was over and I think I probably would have been able to repeat the workout right away.
According to my HR monitor (which I finally found in the very bottom of my gym bag, underneath the board that keeps the bag stiff) I was peaking at about 162 during the intervals and bottoming out at 146 during the recovery periods but mostly holding at around 155bpm. I was again holding a solid 8'10" pace so I'm pretty pleased.
I did some light upper body weight work after the run since I had the day off from swimming. Enough to feel the difference in the strengths of my right and left shoulders but not labour my left too much.
The bike ride was 80 minutes with 10 sets of 3'00" @ 130w and 3'00" @ 185+w and was also pretty good. I did the bike ride in the early evening and went out with friends almost immediately afterwards, spending a pretty fair amount of time on my feet without giving it any thought.
No noticeable aches or pains the next day and I got Wednesday's workouts done without giving Tuesday a second thought.
I feel like the Oliver Twist of triathlon... Please sir, can I have some more?

I've finally, officially, registered for my races. I'm signed up for...
8/10/08 - 5430 Long Course Triathlon in Boulder - I did this race last year in 7:21:50 and I'm looking forward to taking a BIG chunk of time off that precedent, at least getting below 7 hours and shooting for closer to 6:30. I know this is possible because last time I raced foolishly. This time I will race smart, I will train smart and I will kick butt.
8/30/08 - The Mayflower Triathlon in my hometown (and "America's Hometown" as it's sometimes known) of Plymouth, MA - This is only 3 weeks after the long course, but I'm doing it as a much more casual event. It's an international distance race and I chose this race largely so that my family could see me do a race.
July/August - 6 pack of Stroke and Strides at the Boulder Reservoir - I love these events, they're a lot of fun.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Obama! Ohio!

Yesterday I went to see Barack Obama speak at the University of Cincinnati.
I took photos and video of both the speech and the parts leading up to the speech.
But I'm not a video blogger and there's very little you would get from my video editing that you wouldn't get going to youtube and searching for Obama.
So rather than post those photos and the videos, I'm going to write about it, what it meant to me and what it said to me.

I arrived an hour and a half before the doors open, excited, curious and intrigued. I've stood in long lines before for many things. Red Sox tickets to opening day, the playoffs... Bruins tickets, Celtics tickets, even the chance to attend a rare Celtics/Bruins playoff doubleheader (what a day that was!). But I've never stood in a line that was so long, in such cold, just to hear one man speak for for a short time.

Obama had already become my candidate of choice so I wasn't there to be swayed on my vote. I was there, like so many others were there, to be wooed and inspired. And oh, were there others...
The line in front of me was formidable, but with 14000 seats, I knew I would get in. But for those at the end of the line, which stretched nearly a third of a mile behind me, I was not nearly so optimistic. The line double backed across campus and a few times I would stop people who were following the line and point them towards the end which lay in the other direction. As long as that line was, and even though it was one of two such lines, they never looked frustrated or cast down at how far they would have to go to get in. Instead they had looks of determination or awe on their faces. They WOULD get in, they believed.
They were right.

Inside, the arena transformed my day from a mass of cloudy gray and cold fingertips and toes to a sea of positivism. Old white men, suburbanite moms with their babies, college students black, white, Asian and Hispanic, working mothers who had probably spent a valuable vacation day to come hear this man speak, to be inspired, to find hope and pride again in our nation rise up chanting his name, waiting for O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!

And then, suddenly, he was being introduced by the Mayor of Cincinnati and he was among us... we shouted, we cheered, we screamed, chanted and stomped our feet for the man who had come to deliver the sweet ambrosia of Hope.

My mind flew back four years to catching a speech during the Democratic National Convention in Boston, to an unheralded aspiring Illinois Senator who gave a speech about hope and snared the attention of the national political stage. Obama had arrived.

Now he was speaking to US about Hope. About the American Dream and of having the opportunity to work hard and make a respectable living in return. About reclaiming dignity at home and overseas and earning back the respect that we have so recently lost. He says things that are political suicide, pledging not just to meet with our allies but also with our enemies, unconditionally, to find common ground. He questions the sanity of a system where an average worker can make less in a year than a CEO makes in the 10 minutes he spends reading the morning paper at his desk [my imagery, his idea].

I have no aspirations to great wealth. And knowing how having a purpose has kept my own grandfather so vital, I have no dreams of retiring to a life of leisure some day. I want nothing more than the opportunity to work hard and earn a good living for the family I hope some day to call my own. But I know that, sometimes, shit happens and should the worst occur, I like to think that I live in a society advanced enough that we wouldn't deny the basic human needs of a person who has suffered. Obama gives his voice to my thoughts and I find myself swept up in a tide of emotion with thousands of others. WeCaught up in a wave of Hope and inspiration, as he exudes charm, sincerity, dignity and pride. A hopemonger, he jokingly calls himself, panning those who chide him for pedaling Hope.

I send a cameraphone photo to a friend of Obama on stage. She replies "That made me get teary eyed! The future of our nation is standing in front of you!" I dearly hope she is right.

I am wooed. I am seduced. I am in love with Obama and his dream. I have a 'mancrush' as some would say. I can only Hope that he does not break my heart.

Monday, February 25, 2008

The dappled sunshine of your smile...

I used to write more.
Not in the realm of the blogosphere, but in life. The written word was for me a release... I would get home from school every day, angst-ridden as only a teenage boy can be and write for fifteen minutes, thirty... or even for an hour every day. Some of these words flowed as personal expressions, emotional diatribes, wonders and curiosities but much of it was simply an expression of my love affair with words and imagery.
A friend of mine reminded me of this recently when he asked what came of it all, whether those scattered musings and rambling had ever amounted to more than a staccato rhythm of keystrokes in my ears. Another friend reminded me, quite by accident, that I still hold that passion within me, however rarely I show it.
My first love was almost certainly an infatuation with words. I would read cereal boxes at breakfast, every panel, every word, as hungry for more as I was for a second bowl. Hungrier most likely. I wanted to read every one of them.
And so, Chasing Boston may undergo a bit of a shift. This is still where the interested reader will find my thoughts and observations on my progress as a runner and triathlete... but here too will the reader find brief observations on the state of my soul, rendered perhaps in a more colorful palette than I have thus far embraced.
To my friends who have helped me rediscover something within myself without ever intending to... one by helping me remember, the other by inspiring me... Thank You for bringing the sunlight back...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why am I awake?

I woke up at 7:30 this morning. This isn't odd for a triathlete but for me, it definitely is. I'm not one of those Type A, get in 3 hours of workout before dawn triathletes. I typically work out in the afternoon or evening, it's just what I'm most comfortable with.
So why was I awake at 7:30 am?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Tuesday Intervals and a Long Swim

I've been meaning to get this down... Mark has wanted to know how the Tuesday workouts feel and I said I'd write something up that's a little more detailed on them. I jotted down some notes so here they are.

The Run - I did this workout first. The switch to 5:00 on and 1:00 off was kind of a big one. I had a little bit of a stitch in my side toward the end of the second repetition but it faded during the recovery minute and didn't return. I nailed the paces pretty good for each interval though, .61 miles for every 5 minutes which breaks down to an 8:11 interval. My goal pace was 8:10. I felt like I had a couple more repetitions in me but I was stopped by 1. The Schedule and 2. The bike ride I had later.

The Bike - This was fun. Sort of. Actually it really was. The bulk of the workout was 10x 3'00" at 130 followed by 3'00" at 185. No trouble really during the workout but I was certainly glad it was over! This was a bump up from the 10x 3'00 at 160 followed by 3'00" at 185 Mark had me doing before. That said though, the switch from the god-awful stationary bikes to my bike on a trainer with a power meter with an actual fan in front of me instead of a tiny little vent on the top of the stationary bike felt like a much better workout. I was finishing those workouts on the stationary bike dripping an unhealthy amount of sweat. I'm pretty sure their power readings were off as well.

The next day - I was definitely glad I didn't have to do either of those workouts again the next day, I had a little bit of heaviness in the legs, more of a tiredness than a soreness but I was looking forward to the run and didn't have any trouble with it.

I got to the Rec for my swim, checked my workout and realized.. Whoa! 1500Yard steady swim? Really? 2500? I've never done a straight swim that long before, freestyle OR breast stroke. That's 1.4 miles... straight. Well, knowing me, I was up for the challenge! I got the first 2000 yards in feeling pretty solid in 40 minutes flat but I really felt my form slip in the last 500 yards and slowed down a lot (or at least it felt like a lot) finishing in 50:15. Still, I'm pretty pleased with that result and I look forward to pushing my time under 50 even.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Some thoughts...

Of the last 24 years... I have been a full time student for 21, a half time student for 2 and an aspiring graduate student for 1. I still considered myself a student during that year though since there wasn't a force on earth that was going to keep me from graduate school the next year.

That all ends on June 13th. It's something to celebrate, but also something that I think I'll find myself mourning. Heck, I already do.

I've never had the kind of liberty I'm about to have before. I can go anywhere. Anywhere! And then if I don't like it, I can go somewhere else a few months later. This is a bizarre twist for me... mind boggling really and, frankly, a little bit scary.

Some people call this the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. I think those people don't know what it's like to spend 24 years as a student, or have been out so long that they've forgotten. This... is a major shift in paradigms. my life to this point has been making ends meet as best I can, (which means rent, food, school supplies and a little entertainment) and focusing on school. Romantic relationships were few and far between. Saving money for anything other than next semester was hardly a thought, since it wasn't feasible. now everything is going to be different.
First there's the student loans to pay back... yikes. I've got a job in Boulder, which I'm thrilled about. I'll be making enough money to start setting some aside for... ha ha ha... for a condo or house some day... or even retirement! How funny is that, I finally enter the workforce and I have to start saving for retirement...
I no longer find myself yanked around the country or pinned down in a city I loathe (yes, loathe) and feel like I could be really comfortable meeting someone romantically without having to move away in 3-6 months.

That's something else that came up. A classmate of mine, in the same situation as I, free for the first time ever really, finds himself in a quandary. He has been offered a good job in a place he loves... but is in love with a woman who not only can't leave, but doesn't want to. His disdain for Cincinnati isn't quite as pronounced as mine, but he's been aching to flee it all of his life as opposed to my 3 years and he is clearly struggling with the problem. What would I do in his place? God... I don't know. If it was a matter of a person in Boston, it would be an easy decision. I feel horribly selfish even thinking that it would be a hard decision, but at the same time, to stay someplace you dislike or even hate... that's the kind of thing that can build up into resentment and cause problems in a relationship.

What would I do?

I think if I were really, truly in love, it would be an easy decision to make and the only reason it seems hard now is because I don't have that kind of thing with anyone.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weekly Long Ride...

I decided to skip the surreal, post-modern stuff for my long ride this week (I watched Powaqqatsi last week and have Naqoyqatsi waiting in the queue) and watched The Return of the King. the Lord of the Rings movies have to be the only ones I can start as I'm prepping for a ride and still have half an hour to go at the end of a three hour ride. Randal Graves hit the nail right on the head with that movie (for reference, see Clerks II).
It was a good ride though, 3 hours solid, no bathroom breaks and I found out I like Caramel flavored Powerbar gels. I felt pretty good afterwards and quite good today as well. The time and distance put me on pace for a 3:30 HIM bike ride, though I'm starting to wonder if it might be time to up the wattage a little. I'll have to ask Marky V about it.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Another minute bites the dust...

I'm SLOWLY catching up on updating my training log after falling WAY too far behind for a while. I'm working on finding a way to update the log on the web from my phone so i can just punch in the workout on my way from the gym to school. No luck as of yet, but I'm working on it.

But that's not terribly interesting now is it? No, not really....

What is more interesting is that I had my 2000 yard swim yesterday. After breaking out two weeks ago, I regressed a bit last week and was wondering if my breakout might have been due to a slightly shorter pool (possible), the fact that I had someone to compete against or that maybe I miscounted the laps.
Well, as it turns out while having someone to compete against may have helped me to realize I could swim faster, the results were not the result of a miscount in laps or sub par construction standards.... since I WHUPPED them again yesterday! I took another 1:40 off my previous best from two weeks ago, finishing in 38' 31"! And I still feel like I can do better!
So, for those of you keeping score at home...
1/11 44:17 (2:12.85 /100yards)
2/1 40:11 (2:00.15 /100yards)
2/15 38:31 (1:55.15 /100yards)
That's an improvement of 17 seconds per 100 yards
17 Seconds!
I think one factor has to have been that before, I was focusing more on just being able to finish the 2000 yards rather than actually pushing myself to see how fast I could do them. Which, now that I think of it, might not be what I should be doing... Should I be racing that swim every week? Hmmmm...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Flip Turns

I've been trying to do flip turns lately and really struggling with it so i decided to seek out a little help. The first thing I should have done was ask Mark, but I happened to be on and Is aw a link to a video on how to do flip turns on the front page. Perfect!
I open up the video and what do I see? Article and video by Mike Ricci, with Mark Van Akkeren as the demonstration swimmer! Well, I guess now I don't feel too bad about not asking Mark since my guess is he would have pointed me towards this video.
Too funny...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Long week

Well, last week was one of ups and downs. I missed several workouts the prior weekend due to a trip home to Massachusetts, but the trip was necessary for my thesis, and very insightful in that regard.
then of course, the Pats lost, which stunk, but what can you do? It was still a fun season, just disappointing they couldn't finish it off.

The rest of the week was more upbeat. I got all my workouts in once I got back and got the power meter for my indoor trainer fixed finally. No more laboring on the stationary bikes at the gym! once I got it calibrated I also realized how far off the gauges on the bikes at the gym are I already knew they were inaccurate. Identical settings on different machines produced hugely different workouts. Now I'll have a consistent, reliable workout, and also be able to spend more time on my own bike, in my own saddle.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Swim thought and training log

Three things
1. That 2000 yard swim on Friday was a FOUR MINUTE improvement over my most recent 2000 yard swim.
Four Minutes.

2. I really need to update my training log. A lot.


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Swimming with the Fishes

I traveled home to Boston to do some research for my thesis (and to watch the Super Bowl in Boston) and I figured I'd be ok to get my workouts in. Well, I was half right as I wasn't able to get in my long ride today, which was a real bummer since I had been looking forward to it a lot.
On the plus side I had a FANTASTIC swim yesterday. My friend Nicole is a pretty decent swimmer and we go for a swim when I'm in town at the pool at her gym. the last time we swam was in mid December and while she remarked on the progress I had made, she was still noticeably faster.
Yesterday's swim was for a solid 2000 yards. After about 750 yards I made a mental note of where Nicole was, to see how much faster than me she was. A few laps later and I could see she was actually a little further back. When I got to the halfway point, I noticed my 500 yard time was just over 10 minutes. My usual 500 yard time had been 10:30-45. The third 500 was just under 10 minutes and I was definitely beating Nicole. I put on an extra surge for the last 500 and finished the whole 2000 in 40:11


To say that was a huge improvement would be an understatement. Leaps and bounds! I'll have to go back and check to see what my times on previous 2000yd long swims were.