Thursday, February 28, 2008

Idealistic v. Realistic

I read an article this evening on the Boston Globe website. This Op-Ed piece talked about the distinction between being realistic and being idealistic. The context was the realm of politics but as I mulled the words over and over in my head, I realized how many aspects of my life this piece reflected on and made me think about.
Idealism is about what is possible, it's about hope and what could be if we're willing to work hard enough. Realism, and being realistic, is grounded in the way things are, what IS and when someone says, "Let's be realistic" what they're often saying is, let's not dream, let's lower our expectations, our standards and our hopes.
I don't want... no, I CHOOSE not to be a realist. Realistically, a small guerrilla movement could not possibly drive out an occupying force of the world's mightiest empire and earn independence and the right of self-determination. Yet our founding father's did just that! What's more, they inspired other nations to do the same! Franklin, Jefferson, Washington did not just set about the independence of our nation, the initiated the collapse of a global empire. They stood up for ideals, for concepts and ideas that were beyond being what anyone in their day would call realistic and chose to dream. Then they chose to ACT in pursuit of those dreams. Ideals don't achieve themselves, they must be worked for, sacrificed for and pursued with all our heart. As soon as we compromise, we start settling for what is realistic.
I choose to pursue the ideal and I choose to act, henceforth, in pursuit of those ideals. That pertains to my training, my politics, my design philosophy and all aspects of my life. Why should I settle for what is realistic? I suppose the reason is fear. To pursue ideals we must make sacrifices, often of comfort. To pursue a dream of fitness and athletic achievement I would have to sacrifice relaxation time and comfort foods. For political ideal I would again have to sacrifice time and leisure in order to dedicate it to something greater.
We are blessed with the ability to conceive of ideals and the means to achieve them are within our hands... to not join the two... I can't imagine the words to describe what a shame that is.

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