Monday, September 17, 2007

30 Days of Swimming - Day Two

War is Hell...
What that has to do with my second day of 30 straight days of swimming, I don't know. I just wanted a dramatic introduction.
Day two was harder than day 1, but also more productive.
Getting myself to go to the pool took a lot more effort, although that's probably at least partly due to the nap I was taking in the shade of a tree, dappled sunlight splashed all around me...
The Swim went well. I uppsed my repeats to 8 x 25yds and cut my rest down to 20 seconds from 30. I'll hold the 20 second rest there until the end of the week when I'll do the final cutdown to 15 seconds.
For drills I did... Catch Up Drill, Fist Drill, Fingertip Drag Drill, Three/Six Drill and Thumb to Thigh Drill so all told I got in about 1100 yards in. Believe me, it felt like more and I was ready to get out of the pool!
I felt like I had swam a full mile, I'm just not used to swimming freestyle, but I can already feel some things improving, especially my breathing. I'm still not turning my head to the right properly, but to the left I'm feeling really comfortable and the water pouring into my mouth or occasionally up my nose doesn't bother me hardly ever anymore.
I also feel like I'm rotating onto my side better than I had been, especially on the strokes I'm not breathing on.
Tomorrow, I'm going to hold at 8x25 with the same drills, as I'm sore today, and then Wednesday I'll up it a little more. How much will depend on how I feel tomorrow.

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1 comment:

Mike said...

I'll be very interested to see how you get on with this 'challenge'. Be a major achievement I think to keep this up :)