Friday, September 21, 2007

30 Days of Swimming - Day 6

Six days already? Jeez...
Today i decided to stretch things out a bit. My left triceps is still hurting, but it only bothers me if I bend my arms to less then about 85 degrees, which I can work around for swimming, biking and running.
I bumped up to 10 x 25yds (with 15 seconds rest) today for the drills plus I added in a set of kicking drills with the kickboard and swim fins (Thanks Dinger!). I've never actually used either before, but it was pretty straightforward, although I had a little trouble with the steering. I also made a conscious effort to work more on my right side breathing, it's still weak, but improving.
1500 yards total for the day.... building it up slowly...

I also got a long run in, 80 minutes, not sure on the distance since I need to change the battery on my footpod but I kept my HR in the high OD range, averaging 133/134 and I felt really good through the whole run.

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1 comment:

Pitch to Pub said...

No problem. Don't be afraid to do some swimming with those fins too.

If you do, focus on distance per stroke, keeping the kicks nice and compact (like you're flicking mud off your toes), and rotating the hips to legthen your reach before you start the catch phase of your pull.

1500 yards!!! You'll be up to 2K in no time.

I've always found that swimming 3 times per week is enough to have gradual improvement, 2 times is all it takes to maintain, and 1 time a week and you'll slowly loose what you've built, or never get to feeling good.

You are going to be feeling amazing when this experiment is completed.
