Thursday, December 27, 2007
Merry Christmas
Ugh.... what a week. Christmas always drives me crazy. Not a bad week training-wise, fortunately, though not great either.
I got a wetsuit for Christmas, which you can see modelled to the left (Most eligible bachelor in the BTC!). The link at the bottom leads to a video of me testing it out on Christmas Day, to the great enjoyment of my family and friends. It was COLD... well at least it was cold for my feet, the wetsuit actually kept the rest of me pretty warm. Fortunately I had the sense to wear my swim cap as well.
I managed to cut up the tops of my feet a little bit when I was breaking through the ice (yes Ice) on the surface of the water.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
My First Ironman - Update!
First, I've taken on a coach, Mark Van Akkeren (this has been covered elsewhere) and through discussions with him, I've decided NOT to do an Ironman in 2008. I want to give my first race everything I've got and I want to take this year to build up my pace and base towards that end.
Shortly thereafter, of course, IM Arizona made the official switch to November. IMAZ in November had been my front runner for a race next year and I was sorely tempted to take it on. Still, I resisted. But having IMAZ in November in the future should be a good thing.
Finally, it seems as though there is going to be an Iron distance race held in my hometown of Plymouth next year. Details are sketchy but here's what I know...
New England Triathlon Festival at Plymouth Rock
August 31, 2008
Iron distance and International (Olympic) distance
A permit for the race has been issued
Press conference expected on January 4th
The Iron distance is out of the question, unfortunately, for this year. However, the Olympic is something I'll have to do.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Back in Boston
The Snow seems to be following me. When i left Cincinnati, it was snowing and icing and creating travel problems, though it worked out better for me after all was said and done.
When got to Boulder, it snowed for most of my visit.
When I came to Boston, I first flew from Denver to Charlotte, NC. once in Charlotte, my flight to Boston was canceled since Boston was expecting a foot of snow. The odds of getting into Boston last night looked slim, but I booked the 6:15 flight on the chance that the snow would have let it by the time we went to land.
To give you an idea of how bad it was in Boston, it took my aunt 5 hours to get home from work. People were abandoning their cars on the roads and in tunnels because they were running out of gas due to gridlock.
I tried taking some pictures, but they just don't do it justice.
Anyhow, the 6:15 flight did eventually take off, though with about a 40 minute delay. Then there was also a 20 minute delay in landing while we waited for a runway to clear up
, but we did eventually land safely, but the amount of snow on the ground and runways really made me wonder whether that was a good idea!
but I arrived safe and sound and my good friend Nicole was kind enough to pick me up at the airport.
Unfortunately, since I spent all of yesterday in airports I didn't get to work out at all. Well, i started off this morning with some cross training.
The Scots do cabre tossing at their highland games. I got to do Christmas tree tossing. my grandfather does Christmas tree sales every year to raise money for the Jimmy Fund and it's done on his front lawn. With all the snow, we had to clear the lawn so i came down and helped moved the snow covered trees (they're much heavier covered in snow) and haul them all over the yard, clearing the snow, then putting all the trees back. There are only about 30 left at this point, but that still means hauling around 30 Christmas trees!
Now I'm tired and sore and going to relax. I'll hit the roads for a run later tonight, but for now, I'm just going to rest.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Another day in paradise
I got a tour of another architeture firm here in Boulder, I wasn't terribly impressed. Then I went to visit my old firm, Boulder Associates. It was SO good to be back there! Everyone seemed so happy to see me, it was really great. It sounds like I can count on having a job there when I get out of grad school (provided they're hiring, which they expect to be) which is fantastic. I really enjoyed working there.
Sign of the Apocalypse... my parents are talking about putting a wind turbine on their roof. Yes, you read that right. Now many of my readers (all two of them) may not have much of a sense of my parents so you'll just have to take my word for it that this is... surprising. In other ways it's not since my mother likes pie in the sky ideas, but this just seems a little more unusual than most.
Still, I intend to encourage it and help them out with it however possible.
Met with Mark today and talked about sustainability, working out, Boulder, travel and, of course, training. Because of my odd schedule this month, rather than give me a fixed schedule, he's going to give me specific blocks of workouts to do each week and I'll fit them in my schedule as I can.
Then once December is over he'll have something set up that will fit into my school schedule.
Then, this evening, I went for a run up Boulder Creek. The sound of the Creek keeping me company as I ventured up into the beginning of the canyon... the snow... the absolute peace and majesty of it...
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Let it snow...
The snow came down constantly all day Friday, but it wasn't sticking to the sidewalks or streets... it was just drifting down and collecting in the trees and on the grass and cars and looking pretty.
By the end of the day on Friday, there couldn't have been an inch of snow on the ground.
It continued to snow all through the night, not really collecting or amounting to much. Like the day before I went for a run in the snow and exalted in it's presence, the way it caught on my eyelashes, when it would occasionally drift a few flakes in my mouth as I ran along...
Around noon on Saturday, it changed. The snow started to pile up. what had to have been close to 36 hours of snow amounted to well under two inches of accumulation, but then it started collecting faster... and faster. Soon it was 3 inches, then 6. I can't say how deep it finally got for sure since I never checked a weather report or even took the trouble to actually measure it, but it seemed to be around 10-12 inches by 8pm when we all went out for dinner.
Did I care? Yes and no. Yes, because I love the snow... No, because I don't have to go anywhere or do anything. The snow was no inconvenience to me at all.
It's stopped snowing now... more's the pity...
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Outstanding New Member!
Meg was at the Annual BTC Awards Night Banquet, something I had been hoping I could have made it to but my final presentation for Thesis was a few days later so it wasn't going to happen.
Anyhow, the message was that I had just received the award for Outstanding New Member of the BTC! Admitttedly, I had been hoping for Most Eligible Bachelor, but Most Outstanding New Member is pretty cool too!
As much as I love the weather, the mountains and the feel of the city of Boulder... it really is the AMAZING people that I've met here that really makes it so fantastic and a place I can't wait to return to on a permanent basis.
Below is the full list of awards for the BTC banquet.
Bren Dillon - Outstanding New Member
Iona Mackenzie & Lara Cooper – Tough Chick Award
Mark Gavach – Volunteer of the Year
Mark Van Akkeren – Outstanding Performance of the Year
Dieter Bruhn - Member of the Year
Friday, December 07, 2007
I am Osito
If you guessed me, then you have a gift for guessing the obvious (rather like I do).
I'm here on Cloud 9 for a week taking a vacation. Yes, a vacation. Ok, so I will probably work on my thesis a little, but only if I want to.
yes, I'll be running in the cold and the snow (Did I mention it's snowing?) but only because I want to.
I'm here to see friends, have fun and relax. This means copious amounts of time chilling in coffee houses with a book (finishing the last Harry Potter again right now), good food, fun times and generally enjoying life.
My old roommate, Hershey (aka Harshana) is about to graduate and move back to South Africa, so that's the big impetus for me to come out here, to see here and wish her well.
I'm also going to be meeting with Mark to talk about coaching.
Otherwise, pure fun and relaxation. The last two weeks of school were insanely busy and I definitely need a break.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Cape Wind Opponents
Yet the so-called Alliance to protect Nantucket Sound ( which was recently ridiculed by Jon Stewart (
insists that it's bad for the environment, even though all these groups that are normally considered extremists are backing it as not being a threat to the environment. They say the project will produce more expensive power and that people won't pay an additional premium for wind power. This last part in particular is flat out wrong. Businesses throughout Boulder proudly pay a premium for wind power and advertise that they do so. People WILL pay more for cleaner energy and independence from foreign oil.
They claim it's a threat to public safety, even though the Coast Guard, Air force and other agencies addressing these areas have disagreed. The best the Alliance can do for an advocate of
these claims is a retired Lieutenant Commander, one who no doubt received a nice Advising Fee.
Which brings me to the reason I'm posting about this today.
The Boston Globe today had an article about Cape Wind's finances (
Turns out that of Cape Wind's $2m budget this past year, 75% of it was provided by 9 donors. Almost 25% of the total fundraising by one donor. Yet these people claim to represent the popular will. None of their donors are listed publicly.
This is NIMBYism at it's worst and it wouldn't surprise me to find out that some of these large donors have some fiscal interest in keeping Cape Wind out. Such as, perhaps, another energy company built around fossil fuels.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Giving Thanks
I finally made my travel plans to Boulder earlier this week. I'll be visiting Colorado for a week after the quarter is over, which I can't wait for. I miss Boulder and can't wait to get out there again.
Ironman Arizona has finally been pushed to November. The news was released today. The race will be held twice in 2008. First in April, then in November. From then on IM Arizona will always be in November. Too bad I decided NOT to do an IM in 2008... but that's ok.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I... Am... BACK!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Nice Swim, Mr. Froggy...
The highlight, oddly enough, was at the end. I took a breather when i had finished my third 250 and decided I'd try to swim a full 25 underwater. This is something I try every once in a while and, as a kid, I could do it. It's been a while since I could though. Still, I gave it a shot... and made it with ease! The funny part was I felt like I had a lot in my tank still when I finished and was almost tempted to turn around and see how far I could go... Maybe next time.
Monday, November 12, 2007
So, finally, I have done it. Mark van Akkeren, a fellow BTCer, friend from Boulder and he of the First-out-of-the-water at the Ironman World Championships in Kona this past August, had made the offer before and after talking to him about his philosophy on training recently, I decided to take him up on the offer.
I'm excited and a little bit nervous. I've never worked with a coach before. I was a member of my high school cross country team for about 1 day when I knew it wasn't for me and that's about the closest I've come to having a coach before.
The first thing to do, is give him as good an idea of where I am as possible. Mark has been following my blog so he has some familiarity with my training, particularly during the 30 days of swimming. Below is the email I sent him today, answering some of his questions about my training and goals.
Get comfortable, this could take a while...
Review of 2007:
not sure how in depth to get on this so I'll start off with the basics
and you can ask for any details you consider important.
Walt Disney World Goofy Challenge (January) - Half marathon on
Saturday (2:45:35) followed by the full marathon on Sunday(4:48:42).
Took the half very easy because I was running with a friend (and the
full was the next day).
Bolder Boulder - 53:50
9 Stroke and Strides - best overall time of 43:30 (750m swim) 16:43swim, 25:05run
5430 Long Course Tri
- you've already heard about this one but to sum up... 47:11 Swim
(Breaststroke), 3:28:55 bike, 2:59:07 run. I imploded on the run, I
knew my HR was too high early on but I felt great and foolishly kept
So not a lot of races. Training wise, I picked up freestyle
courtesy of an introductory lesson with Mike Ricci and have tried to
work a lot on the drills he gave me since I left Boulder (as you know
from the 30 days of swimming) and feel a lot more comfortable with it
than I would have expected to. I still need to work on my swimming a
lot, particularly the bi-lateral breathing (I don't breathe well on my
right side) and on pressing my chest. I also never learned flip-turns,
but I'm not sure that something I need to worry about or not.
As far as the Bike goes, until Summer 2006, I hadn't ridden a bike
in 10 years or more. I started biking to and from work in Boston
roughly 3 days a week (17 miles each way) which lasted about 6 weeks
before I broke my foot and sprained my ankle on a spill that August.
once I healed up I was back in cincinnati and was only riding
stationary bikes until I got to Boulder and started riding a bike
everywhere, every day.
As far as running, it was the event I was most comfortable with
and I kept it pretty simple. I did 3 basic dedicated workouts each
week. A long run, a speed/hill workout and a tempo run. I also followed
most bike rides of more than 40 minutes with a 20 minute easy brick
run. The biggest thing for me running wise was getting my Lactate
Threshold tested at BCSM and adjusting my long run effort down as a
result. I have been training by HR for several years and was doing my
long runs at around 155, much higher than the 125-135 range Neal
Henderson recommended (I can send you those results if you like).
ha ha... you name it, I've probably got it.
let's see... Swimming experience, form, my endurance is pretty good I
think considering my experience though... bike power and form...
running form...
Mostly I think my biggest limiters are not knowing how to train
smart, a tendency to try to do too much too fast and not knowing what
goals are realistic to set (along with having just learned to swim
freestyle). The 5430 was my first triathlon. My first road race was the
NYC marathon, I like big goals and tend to overlook the small ones.
I've often said that I like long races because I feel like I've got
good endurance, but not good speed. But really, I've never trained to
be fast so I don't know that that's true.
2008 Goals
A big part of me, that part that likes big goals, wants to do an Ironman distance next fall. But given a
choice between completing an Ironman in 2008 or really racing one in 2009, I'll take 2009.
Flying Pig Marathon - May - I did this race once before and
finished in 4:44:10 with a pair of the worst blisters I've ever had.
I'd love to break 4 hours. I don't know if that's feasible or not.
5430 Long course - August - I feel like if I'd been smart during the run, I
could have finished in under 7 total. Like I said above, I'm not
entirely sure how to set realistic goals, but I'd like to think 6:30 is
feasible. If busting my backside meant I could do 6:00, then I'd bust
my backside.
Last 6 weeks
up until about 3 weeks ago, I felt like
I was at a great place in my training. I was finishing up the 30 days
of swimming, which meant 5-6 hours a week in the pool, and was also
doing 4 workouts a week on the bike and running. I'm not comfortable
riding my bike around here so have stuck to the trainer but was doing 2
spinerval workouts each week, along with a long ride of 1.5-2 hours and
a tempo ride. This meant about 4 hours a week on the bike.
I was doing a speed workout, a long run of 90-120 minutes and an easy
30 minute brick run after the tempo bike ride. The speed workout was
with the university running club on thursday nights. This added up to
3.5-4 hours per week.
Then I had two weeks where I struggled to do
anything other than short runs. I had to go out of town twice during
that period for just over a week total and spent most of the time in
between and the week after, trying to catch up on my thesis work
(since, of course, that was when midterms were). Since last Monday I've
been pretty well caught up with classes and have been getting in closer
to my normal runs and rides, though I only got in the the pool twice
last week.
As far as time goes, I can dedicate 10-15 hours a week to training
which probably seems like a lot for being in graduate school, but
really, I have very little going on out here as far as a social life.
Actually, training usually IS my social life/relaxation time since I
can run with the running club or watch a movie or the news while I ride
the trainer.
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
What a week...
I wasn't sure if I wanted Curt Schilling back in Boston this year. He's a gutty, gritty pitcher but he yaps too much and has an overly healthy ego. I also didn't think he was worth the money he was seeking... $13m per year. To me, $10m seemed reasonable considering his age and health, maybe with some incentive money.
Apparently the Sox agreed because that was basically what they gave him. Schilling probably could have gotten more money elsewhere... but he put his money where his (considerably large and active) mouth is and stayed in Boston like he said he would.
Then you've got what the Celtics have been doing this week... 5-0, best start in 20 years...
Then the Pats beat up the Colts in Indy...
And the New England Revolution of Major League Soccer are going to the championship match this coming Wednesday.
it's a good time to be a Boston sports fan... real good.
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
Not a great week training wise, but definitely an improvement.
There may also be big news in the offing...
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Friday, November 02, 2007
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
So I did.
And it was Good.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
30 Days of Cycling and Swimming article
Saw an interesting swimming article today from
Hmm, let's see...
Unilateral breathing? Check!
Rapid increase in training distance? Check!
Rapid increase in training frequency? Check!
Poor swimming technique? Maybe? I know I don't do the things listed, so that's a positive.
I have had some soreness particularly in my left shoulder, which is bad news. The good news is that's not the shoulder I should be having trouble with from unilateral breathing. I also know that particular shoulder had been fairly weak before I started swimming and that I had some trouble with it was not even slightly surprising. The surprising thing is that I didn't have more trouble with it.
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Back to the grind... and back to the World Series!
I started off yesterday by doing a 30 minute test ride on my trainer. Average 148 Watts (I was shooting for 150) and 139 bpm.
Today, i got a 1000 yard swim in. It was my first in over a week and boy did it feel weird to be back in the water. Weird, but very good. I'll do another ride this evening when i get home. I'm probably going to do a lot of my riding on the trainer, late in the evening is the most convenient time for me to ride, but it's not convenient for the lack of daylight (which is rapidly decreasing).
Oh... and my beloved Boston Red Sox have made it back to the World Series! I really like the team as they are made up right now. Dustin Pedroia and Kevin Youkilis in particular are two guys I've been following for years, since they were prospects, and I'm thrilled to see them doing so well.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Aunt Bobbie
plague and intrigue us... you were a tough old woman who did things
your way but always meant well and loved your family. You were flawed and imperfect, which is to say Human, but I never knew you to bullshit or gloss things over. You fought to the bitter end without being bitter, even when you looked awful, you always seemed to try to smile.
I'll miss you.
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This funeral thing has been more draining that I had honestly expected. I had to get a paper done today as well and it's, well, not. I should just go to sleep. I can't think, at least not critically (to do the paper well) or creatively (to BS the paper).
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 29 - The End and a Tribute
Unfortunately, it's also my last as I'll be unable to swim tomorrow due to trvelling home to Boston for a wake/funeral. My great aunt, Roberta Huston, lost her battle with cancer last night at 12:15am. She was diagnosed more than 15 months ago and the doctors only gave her about 6 months to live. She decided to fight it and made it a good bit longer. She played her last nine holes of golf in August, an important goal of hers, and when I last saw her she told me she was ready to meet God.
Like all of us, she was flawed, but I believe she always meant well, which is more than can be said about many people.
I decided to do my swim today in her honor, an uninterrupted 1800 yard swim. Just over a mile. I wish I had thought to time it, but I didn't until more than halfway through.
So that's it... I get stopped a day short of 30. It's kind of funny. Maybe there'll be an opportunity for me to swim tomorrow, but I doubt it. Still, I'll have my goggles and swim trunks with me, just in case.
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Saturday, October 13, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Days 26, 27 and 28
Day 27 - This was a weird day. 300 warmup, then 3 sets of drills (200 yards each) but without breaks in between, so it was a solid 600, then 2 x 400 yards for a total of 1700 yards.
Day 28 - Back to the base 1200yard workout. 200 warmup, 2x drills (200 yards each), 8 x 50, 4 x 25 yards hard, then a 100yard cooldown.
Hard to believe there are just 3 days left. After tomorrow (Sunday) I switch into my bike heavy 4 week session. I've been wondering if this 30 days of swimming could translate to cycling as well.
Something to think about, I may give it a try.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 24 and 25
This was only 700 yards so I did a set of drills for 400 yards and a 100 yard cooldown to get me up to 1200 yards.
Day 25 - 200 warmup, 2 sets of 4x50yd drills (fingertip, one arm, fist, one arm), then 8x50 swim 4x25 fast and 100 yard cool down for 1200 total.
I usually watch the time on my fast 4x25's and I've gotten them down to 21 seconds each, which is pretty cool.
I also counted my strokes, now that I'm being more conscious of keeping an arm in the recovery position and gliding more I'm averaging 10 strokes per 25yards. Before I was doing 13-14 and it's still in the same amount of time per lap. See, I'm learning!
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Monday, October 08, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 22 and Day 23
Day 23 - I felt like I was floating very low in the water really... like I was sinking almost, which made for some struggles. But I still did my 1200 yards. After going over my notes from my lesson with Mike Ricci, I realized I was windmilling my arms, rather than keeping one arm out straight until the other one caught up with it, so I worked on that, which felt good. Yet I was sinking. It was very odd. I didn't feel tired at all, at least not abnormally so. I was tired towards the end, but that was natural progression.
Something to be conscious of in the future.
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Saturday, October 06, 2007
OT - Being a Sports Fan
As a devout regionalist, I never had a college team to care about. When it comes to collegiate sports, I couldn't root for a school I never attended. However, one of the first things I did when I started at the University of Cincinnati for graduate school two years ago was go to a UC football game and while they've been horrible to watch at times, I've gone to more games than I've missed, including the upset of #7 Rutgers last November where those of us who had the faith to show up rushed the field after the game.
Right now, i find myself in a state of somewhat sports Nirvana.
My beloved Sox are up 2-0 in the first round of the playoffs and looking very impressive (while the vile Yankees are down 0-2 and looking atrocious)
The Patriots are decimating the NFL and showing teams that Tom Brady, with the right weapons around him (kind of like Manning has had for all these years), looks like the best QB since the invention of the forward pass.
The Celtics have Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen... making them truly relevant in Boston and in the NBA for the first time since the Big Three. They're being picked to win the Atlantic and maybe even have a shot at the finals.
The bruins... well, let's not go there... maybe Jacobs will sell the team soon.
UC is ranked in the AP (#20)for the first time since 1976... 31 years. Tonight they play Rutgers (#21) in Jersey. A win brings them to 6-0 and a boost in the rankings.
When does the shoe drop? I'm used to the shoe dropping but the Sox and Patriots have, of late, taught me it doesn't have to. But UC has to lose eventually, right? USF is probably a sure loss (but so was Rutgers a year ago!).
The Pats can't run the table and go 16-0 can they?
Can the Sox with another title, 2 years after their first in 86 years?
Shades of 1986...?
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30 Days of swimming - Where am I...? Oh yeah, Days 20 and 21
Day 20 - Same workout as Thursday, but I did 3 sets of Fingertip, One arm, Fist, One arm. I'm really feeling much more comfortable with the one arm drill, which is great. 1400yards total
Day 21 - Wow, this makes three week now... I bumped up to 4 sets of the alternating drills which brought me to 1600 yards total. I also did the last 50 doing the breaststroke, just for practice and kicks, so to speak. It felt really strange and foreign, which is good I think, it means I've really started adapting to swimming freestyle.
Total for the week (yup, week 3 is in the bag) 9000 yards.
I've definitely started feeling more tired and sore this week than I have in the previous two weeks but I want to start bumping up my total yardage some more. This week was a drop-off from last week's high of 10,350.
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Thursday, October 04, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 18, Day 19 and 'Diets'
Day 18 - I decided to change my workout a bit and used one of the sets of drills Mike Ricci gave me.
200 yard warm up easy again
8x50 (2 lengths) and alternate
drills (#1 and 5- finger tip, #2 and 6 – one arm, #3 and 7 – one
arm, #4 and 8, fist drill) – your rest would be 15” (seconds)
Then swim 8x 50 on 15” rest
again. This time just swim.
Then say 4 x 25 (one length)
very fast – start out fast off the wall and try to hold it there for
as long as you can. Your rest on these is at LEAST 1 minute. Take your
time getting your HR back down and then when you are ready go again.
Swim a nice easy 100 yards for
cool down
I had some trouble with the one arm drills... I haven't liked those from the moment Mike first had me try them... ugh.
I also swapped the second one arm drill with the fist drill in the order, so it's Fingertip, One Arm, Fist, One Arm, Repeat...
And it all adds up, conveniently, to 1200 yards.
Day 19 - Same set as yesterday, totaling 1200 yards. The one-arm drills felt a lot easier today (at least for a while).
I'm not sure whether I'm looking forward to the 30 days being over or not. On the one hand, it's nice having that consistency. I will swim today. Every day.
On the other hand, it would be nice to have a day off from the swimming and I'd feel like I could put in longer swims if I didn't have to swim every day. Such as doing 2400-3000 yards per swim, but only going every other day.
I've been reading the Paleo Diet for Athletes recently on recommendation from some cohorts and because the concept itself appeals to me. First, a note about 'Diets'. I think in general, diets and dieting, are foolish ways to achieve a goal. Mos diets are unrealistic as far as long term maintenance in the modern western world. people make a change to achieve a goal, then go right back to their old habits.
I don't feel the need to lose any weight (my grandmother would certainly say I need to gain some, but that's what grandmothers are for) and I didn't pick up Paleo for that reason. Firstly, the premise, eating like our ancestors evolved, relates closely to my architectural thesis (it sounds odd, but it's true). Secondly, I never really learned healthy eating habits, I've mostly gotten by on a combination of luck and a naturally high metabolism. As an active and fit person, I feel like I should learn how to eat better and healthier.
I also haven't been looking at this book as any sort of plan of how to eat. Instead I look at it as additional information to consider when I decide what to eat. I'm never giving up Cheez-Its or Pizza or the foods I love. But I might eat less of them and more of other foods with a better understanding of what is good for me and WHY it's good for me.
This is all part of what's been a slow process to, basically, get myself to eat more fruits and veggies.
So what do I think of the book? The premise is sound, namely that we evolved eating certain foods and those foods are healthiest for us. i.e. fruits, veggies and lean meats. That many of the processed foods we eat do not fit well into our natural diet and thus cause health problems.
Most importantly, it talks about why different types of food are better (or worse) at certain times. Such as before, during or after a workout or race. It's intriguing and I've already seen it start effecting the food choices I make.
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Days 16 and 17
Day 17 - I just realized I'm closer to the end of this than I am to the beginning. Weird huh?
It's good in a way though, because I'm starting to feel a little worn down. I wanted to do 5 sets of drills for 2000yards but ended up doing only 3 for 1200 yards. I was just too tired. 1200 is going to be my base minimum from here on out I think
I'm surprised I've had so little trouble keeping up with the 30 days of swimming, as well as the blogging. I think both have reinforced each other a lot. I know there are people reading this, some very regularly, and I think it has helped motivate me to do the workouts and to write about them. To those of you who are reading my silly little ramblings, Thank you. To those of you who have been commenting, providing suggestions and cheering me one... and even bigger Thank You!
Starting tomorrow I'm going to mix my swim workouts up a little bit more. While I've been using the information Mike Ricci ( gave me, I haven't been using the actual workouts so much. Tomorrow that's going to change.
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 13, Day 14, Day 15 and Week 2 Summary
It's amazing how fast you can move swimming with fins... usually a 25yd lap takes me about 30-32 seconds, with the fins it was 20-22... it was really cool. So 2400 yards total.
I also got a 60 minute run in right after the swim.
Day 14 - 3 sets of drills, starting with the ones I usually do last to mix it up a little. 16 x 25yards again... Thumb to Thigh Drill, Three/Six Drill and Fingertip Drag Drill. 1200 yards total
I got an hour in on the bike afterwards as well.
Day 15 - Another 3 drill day. I was kind of tired and sore starting my swim on Saturday so i took it easy today, especially since tomorrow is supposed to be my Long day in the pool. 1200 yards total again.
Week 2 Summary - 150, 2200, 2000, 1200, 1200, 2400, 1200... for a total of 10,350 yards or 5.9 miles. After Two weeks, that makes 10.2 miles total. I can't believe I've been doing this much swimming. And doing it freestyle!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 11, Day 12 and Hills aka Hell
I'd still focus on everything I focus on during the drills normally, but to see how I would feel doing 1200 yards consecutively. The few times I've done a 'long' portion, it's been after my drill sets. Wednesday, it was my drill sets.
So, how did it go? FANtastic! I felt great. I just got in a groove and went for it and didn't even think about what a big step it was for me. 1200 yards, no sweat. This... this was huge for me. This 30 days of swimming, suggested by Coach Mike Ricci ( is unquestionably the best thing I could have done for my swim. Bar none.
Day 12, just another 1200 today, I went to the pool once and couldn't get a lane, by the time I went back, i was short on time to join the running club for a speed workout so I had to cut it short. normal 16 x 25yds for my first three drills with 15 seconds rest. It was a good swim. I also managed to give out a swim tip. Me! HA! How funny is THAT!?! This young guy in the next lane was clearly having some trouble, he kept holding his head up above water as he swam, even when he did the breast stroke. The poor kid was really struggling to keep his head above water, literally, and I know what that's like.
Now, I KNOW I don't know much about swimming, but I do know what it's like to be in this kid's situation so I felt like passing on the same basic advice I had gotten would be pretty safe.
When he stopped for a break, I asked if he minded a little advice, he seemed eager. I told him what Mike told me, by holding his head up, he's straining his neck and tiring himself out. He needs to keep his face in the water, roll with his stroke onto his side, keeping his chin tucked and one goggle in the water, and breathe in then. As soon as he rolls again, face back in the water and breathe out steadily through the nose until he take another breath, so you're always breathing and not holding your breath.
This kid had been doing exactly what I was doing when I first met with Mike, trying to breathe in AND out when his head was above water.
He said he had some trouble with the breathing out underwater, so I showed him the drill Mike showed me, hold onto the edge of the pool as if you're swimming into it and kick like you're swimming and practice the breathing as you're sitting there kicking and holding the wall. I told him it feels silly, but it helps. I also suggested that if he really wanted to improve, to get a lesson or course through the school (they do a 1 credit swimming fitness course each academic quarter).
After the swim, I met with the running club and found out we were ding hills. yay (note complete lack of enthusiasm). I hate hills, which is why I knew I had to do them. It was a good workout, 7 x ~600m on a pretty steep slope which I did varying from 3:00 to 2:40... my fastest was my last repeat.
God I hate hills.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 10, Plus, a Run!
Sorry, the whole day counting thing lends itself so easily to weird side tracks.
Day 10 was a lot like day 9, but without the swim fins. another 2000 yards in the bank.
I think Monday is going to become my 'long' day. by that I mean it's the day I'm going to see how long I can go while still feeling fresh. I'd like to make it to 1000 yards next Monday. If I keep with my training, that should be a piece of cake.
I also had a 30 minutes Endurance pace run on the docket. Unfortunately, I forgot my socks. So I figured now would be a good time to try tunning with just my shoes, no socks. So i did and it was no problem. No blisters, no bleeding, no rawness, not even any redness. Pretty cool.
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Monday, September 24, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Wk 1 Summary Addendum, Day 8 and Day 9
So, Day 8*... There was a problem. I had a limited window to swim in, I get to the pool and realize I don't have my goggles. Fine, I say, I can swim without them. So I jump in and I do 25 yds and immediately, I know this is going to be a struggle. After 150 yards, I have to stop, my eyes hurt and I'm really struggling in the water. There's no way I can get home and back in time to finish my workout so i have to can it.
150 yards... do I even count that? Should I reset my 30 days? I did swim, but I didn't do my workout. What do you think, dear reader? More on this later...
Day 9 - An absolutely awesome workout. I bumped all the way up to 16 x 25yds with 15 seconds between reps, did two drills, then a half set of kick drills, then 2 more of my usual drills. For the last set, I decided to just swim straight through, no rest between repetitions. A little more than a week ago, swimming 100yards straight was a challenge. Tonight, after 1800 yards of drills, I did 400 yards straight and felt Awesome! 2200 total yards tonight! I did 7700 all last week and tonight I did just under a third of that in just a bit over an hour. I rocked.
So thinking about the 30 days straight... I'm counting Day 8. I swam, I gave it my best, it just didn't work out. Then tonight I have a rocking workout... Count it! I still want opinions from others. In my situation, would you keep the count going?
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Saturday, September 22, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 7, Weekly Summary and a 'Bike' Ride
That's also when I'll also bump up to 12 x 25yds, which should bring my daily workout to close to 1800 yards.
After one week, I can definitely say that the hardest day was the second day. It was just tough getting into the routine of swimming every day. I feel so much more comfortable in the water now swimming freestyle) than I did on Sunday... It's really amazing, and it's only been a week.
After my swim I hit the 'bike' for 1:45, keeping my heartrate in the high OD range (117-125), with a final avg HR of 124. I say 'bike' because it's a stationary bike at the rec center. Definitely rather tedious, fortunately there was a Big East football game on TV and that kept me reasonably distracted.
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Friday, September 21, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 6
Today i decided to stretch things out a bit. My left triceps is still hurting, but it only bothers me if I bend my arms to less then about 85 degrees, which I can work around for swimming, biking and running.
I bumped up to 10 x 25yds (with 15 seconds rest) today for the drills plus I added in a set of kicking drills with the kickboard and swim fins (Thanks Dinger!). I've never actually used either before, but it was pretty straightforward, although I had a little trouble with the steering. I also made a conscious effort to work more on my right side breathing, it's still weak, but improving.
1500 yards total for the day.... building it up slowly...
I also got a long run in, 80 minutes, not sure on the distance since I need to change the battery on my footpod but I kept my HR in the high OD range, averaging 133/134 and I felt really good through the whole run.
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Last night I did speedwork with the UC Running club, 8x400m. I love speedwork, I love just letting my legs crank out power for a quarter mile. I did most of the laps in ~1:40. On the last lap I decided to trail the 1:30 group for 3/4 of the loop and then open up the throttle as much as I could on the final 100m. It left me suckign wind when i finished in 1:28, but it felt really good.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 5
My left triceps is rather sore, I think i hurt it doing triceps extensions during a weight workout on Tuesday night. It doesn't bother me when I swim, fortunately.
Tomorrow I don't have any classes until 1pm, so I'm going to go for a longer swim session. Bump up to 12 x 25yds and work in some kick drills. I can't wait to see how it goes.
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 4, Plus a Bike Ride!
I took a break from the drills today and decided I'd see how I would do just swimming for 1200yds. I told myself that if I had to rest, I'd take 20 seconds, then get right back into it. I did that for a while, but eventually found myself stopping every 50yds or so and changed gears so that instead of stopping, I'd swim breaststroke for 25yds. I hate using the breaststroke as a crutch, but it kept me moving forward and kept me working. It's a habit I'll certainly work hard to break myself of.
Tomorrow I'm going to go back to the drills, but increase the number of reps.
Dinger from Triscoop has suggested I try a kickboard and some fins, a good idea, those might even be available for use at the pool, I'll give that a look tomorrow.
I also did a short Endurance bike ride with my HR averaging at 132. Unfortunately, it was on the stationary bikes in the Rec Center. Lame, but my bike hasn't arrived yet so I don't have much of a choice. It was a good workout though.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 3
The whole workout was again about 1100 yards and took 35-40 minutes, I wasn't timing it.
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Monday, September 17, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day Two
What that has to do with my second day of 30 straight days of swimming, I don't know. I just wanted a dramatic introduction.
Day two was harder than day 1, but also more productive.
Getting myself to go to the pool took a lot more effort, although that's probably at least partly due to the nap I was taking in the shade of a tree, dappled sunlight splashed all around me...
The Swim went well. I uppsed my repeats to 8 x 25yds and cut my rest down to 20 seconds from 30. I'll hold the 20 second rest there until the end of the week when I'll do the final cutdown to 15 seconds.
For drills I did... Catch Up Drill, Fist Drill, Fingertip Drag Drill, Three/Six Drill and Thumb to Thigh Drill so all told I got in about 1100 yards in. Believe me, it felt like more and I was ready to get out of the pool!
I felt like I had swam a full mile, I'm just not used to swimming freestyle, but I can already feel some things improving, especially my breathing. I'm still not turning my head to the right properly, but to the left I'm feeling really comfortable and the water pouring into my mouth or occasionally up my nose doesn't bother me hardly ever anymore.
I also feel like I'm rotating onto my side better than I had been, especially on the strokes I'm not breathing on.
Tomorrow, I'm going to hold at 8x25 with the same drills, as I'm sore today, and then Wednesday I'll up it a little more. How much will depend on how I feel tomorrow.
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
30 Days of Swimming - Day 1
Today was Day One and as such, I made it an easy day, I didn't want to dive in too deep to start with (sorry for the pun). I intend to put a lot of emphasis on drills for these swims as I know I need to work on my form. Some of the drills I did today were new to me and will take some getting used to. Others I've done before and feel comfortable with while one or two are ones that I have done before and don't like (they're also ones I probably need to work on most).
I started easy, with 4 x 25 yards of each of the following drills.
Catch-up Drill
Closed Fist Drill
Fingertip Drag Drill
Single Arm Drill
Three/Six Drill
Thumb to Thigh Drill
A brief warm up brought my total yardage to an unimpressive 800 yards, but I'm working on it.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Back and Bad!
Unfortunately, I can't get into the rec center until Sunday and my bike hasn't arrived yet, so no swimming or biking until those two things occur. For now, I'm just running. Yesterday I went for a run up to campus and ran the steps of the football stadium. That was the first time I ran tall the steps. Well, up all the steps, I walked down most of them. A work in progress but still a nice step for me. No pun intended.
Today I went for an easy barefoot run on the track. I did two miles, roughly half on the artificial grass of the soccer field and the rest on the track surface. It was a very weird feeling, but one I'm goign to try to do more often.
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Steampunk & Hill Runs
pretty neat stuff. So much modern technology is so inhuman, so artless and graceless. It's all Miesian "Less is More" design.
This has a grace and artfulness that makes you want to touch it, to appreciate the object itself.
I had a fun run yesterday. 3.94 miles, END effort level with 640ft of elevation gain in the first half, then back down. Yikes! I ran up The Hill then into Chautauqua Park. It was an enjoyable run, but no piece of cake by any means.
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Stroke and Stride Summary
SS1 49:01 18:52 3:45 26:25 4/6
SS2 45:38 18:02 1:55 25:42 3/6
SS3 43:30 16:43 1:44 25:05 3/5
SS4 43:57 17:04 1:21 25:33 3/5
SS5 44:11 17:04 1:21 25:48 4/7
SS6 64:10 36:51 1:26 25:55 8/9
SS7 --:-- --:-- -:-- --:-- -/-
SS8 48:35 18:36 2:03 27:57
SS9 17:28
SS10 46:16 18:02 1:28 26:47 5/7
SS9 I did just the swim, it was the Thursday before the 5430 Long Course and I wasn't going to push it, i just wanted to test out the wetsuit, which I did.
Stroke & Stride #3 was by far my best race. The only part I topped in any other race was my transition time which I topped several times.
I did the 1500m swim only once, at SS6. I tried to do it at SS8 and SS9 but both times the swim got shortened.
I'll miss the Stroke & Strides, they were a lot of fun and were not only enjoyable races, but also great social occasions.
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Monday, August 20, 2007
My First Ironman, Base Training, Links & Thoughts
My First Ironman
It’s becoming increasingly clear, as I associate more with experienced triathletes and see them signing up for IM races, that unless I choose a non-M-dot race, which IM I do for my first will be a result of which one I can get into. IM Lake Placid opened for registration a few weeks ago and sold out in 10 minutes. 10 Minutes. Only 800 spots were open for online registration because so many people signed up at the event.
That’s the other option for signing up, go to one of the events and register on-site. That would actually be a lot of fun, but wouldn’t be quite as feasible to do during my thesis year. Although, IM Wisconsin is being held during my nebulous period between when I finish in Boulder and when I start back at UC. It’s also only about 8 hours from Cincinnati and would mean I could meet up with some of the Tri-Scoopers. I’d also get less time with the family, but I probably ought to get back sooner to work on my thesis anyhow. I’ll have to investigate further, particularly cost issues. I’m not even sure I can afford to register for an IM at this point.
The other option for getting into an IM is to take a ‘Community’ Spot. Basically it costs you an extra ~$500 to register with the extra money going to sports charities for kids. You’re not guaranteed of getting one of these spots, there’s an application process of some sort, but they don’t sell out quite as quickly (understandably so). With a Community spot you also get $200-300 worth of ‘Free’ stuff and a special starting area right near the pros. The added cost is also technically a donation and is tax deductible. You can also do fundraising to offset or supplement that part of the cost. i.e., you could fundraise to pay that portion of the cost or you could go to your employer and say “I’m giving/raising $500 to this charity, can you match?”
Base Training Plan
Time to get back to Base-ics!
I’m working on developing a base training plan for the remainder of this year based off of a combination of sources. I started with information from the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine, incorporated a bit of Joe Friel’s Going Long and some input from Mike Ricci and the folks at Triscoop.
Swim – 5-7 times per week. I’m going to start with 30 days straight of swimming per a MR suggestion.
Bike – 3 times per week, plus commuting
Run – 3-4 times per week
Lift – 2-3 times per week. I’m not sure yet whether to emphasize low weights with high reps or high weight with low reps to build power. I may alternate weeks or just do the high weight on my legs.
Mondays – Rec. Swim
Tuesday – Swim drills, End./Tempo Run, Lift
Wednesday – Masters Swim, Rec. Bike
Thursday – Swim Drills, End. Bike, Lift
Friday – Swim Drills and OD Long swim
Saturday – Swim Drills, OD Bike, Rec. Run
Sunday – Swim Drills, OD Run, Lift
Links & Thoughts
So exercise, particularly endurance exercise, tends to result in increased neurogenesis (re-growth of brain cells), at a rate of 200-300% of normal. Granted, normal for humans should consistent of continued exercise, our levels of modern inactivity are quite simply, unnatural.
Not a terribly surprising thing to find out. People who are physically active tend to have lower incidences of Alzheimers and onset also tends to be later in life.
Just one more reason to never retire.
Then you’ve got more coverage on the great debate… running with headphones.
On race day, Heather Petricca, a 37-year-old accountant from Ashland, has Green Day's "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" loaded on her MP3 player. "That tracks me at a 10-minute mile, so I'll keep that on repeat," she says. "It takes your mind off what you're doing."
It takes your mind off what you’re doing… and where you are and who’s around you and what’s happening. Shutting out the world… good call.
A Pearl Izumi promotion labels anyone who runs with an MP3 player a jogger, not a runner. "Runners dig music," goes its ad, "but they know that it makes them lose touch with their environment, and lose kinesthetic awareness of their bodies, and that is something they simply cannot have."
Hard to argue with that.
"I couldn't run 100 feet without headphones," he says. "I'd get bored."
Sorry to hear you find running so boring, perhaps you should find a new hobby.
Simply put, running with headphones is, at it’s most basic, a safety issue. Runners wearing headphones are far less aware of what they’re doing and what’s going on around them than runners who can actually hear what’s going on. Deaf runners run with warnings on their back that say “Deaf Runner” and many race with guides or assistants.
Every time the safety issue is brought up, runners who train and race in headphones do their best to ignore it. When they do finally face it, they insist they can hear just fine, that they’re not a hazard to other runners., yet al too often, accidents involve runners with headphones in. How many bad or dangerous drivers truly believe that they are dangerous? How many people drive while yakking on the cell phone and doing other stuff at the same time when their full attention should be on the road? I doubt they think they are a hazard to other drivers, even though they certainly are.
People are, in general, atrocious at assessing their own status as safe or unsafe in relation to others because we are largely selfish, self-absorbed and inconsiderate.
Israel Turns Away Darfur Refugees
There’s something ironic about Israel turning away refuges fleeing genocide and mass murder, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is…
Friday, August 17, 2007
Goals for the coming year
I’ve been thinking about my training and race goals for next year and thought I should put them down. Recording them somewhere, especially someplace public, makes them more real. There’s more of a feeling of commitment to them, rather like registering for a race. Feedback, suggestions, recommendations and criticisms are always welcome.
Training Goals for Fall ’07 - Fall ‘08
1. Swim 5 x/week - work on freestyle, esp. keeping head down when breathing and lengthening stroke. Emphasis on drills per Mike Ricci. (Should I be swimming more than 5 x/week? Less? My swim level with freestyle is basically ‘Beginner’)
2. Improve diet/nutrition - Moving towards Paleo Diet for Athletes and step by step cutting back worst parts of current diet. Begin with daily food log, then analyze and break down bad habits.
3. Register for a Fall ’08 IronMan. Current candidates are Wisconsin, Florida, Arizona (if it moves to November) and the Great Floridian.
4. Work up base building schedule with emphasis on OD pace using data from BCSM, Joe Friel’s Going Long and input from BTC and Triscoop
5. Complete 100% of all workouts - More OD training and emphasizing repeatability of workouts, fatigue due to overtraining should be less of a factor than with past training now that I know I’ve been training 1-2 zones too hard for 4 years.
6. Incorporate weight training 2-3 x/wk- Emphasis on high reps/low weight for repeatability; also emphasis on core strength.
7. Improve LT power by 25% (From 175 to 220 watts)
Racing Goals for 2008 Season
A. Complete an Ironman (Fall)
A. Break 4:00:00 at Flying Pig Marathon (May) (4:44:10 in ‘06)
B. Break 6:00:00 at 5430 Long Course (7:21:50 in ‘07)
B. Boulder Peak
C. Stroke & Strides break 40:00 on 750m/5k race, 1:00:00 on 1500m/5k race
I’ve been training ‘wrong’ for 4 years, I don’t know how much progress to expect once I start training ‘right’ but I’m really hoping to crack 4:00:00 at the Pig. I think that between knowing how to train better and knowing how to race smarter, that goal should be attainable.
Breaking 6:00:00 at the Long Course will be a challenge, but if it wasn’t, there wouldn’t be a point to doing it would there? I should have broken 7:00:00 this year but I got stupid and greedy and my attempt to save a few minutes ended up costing me easily 20-30 minutes.
If I can take 5 minutes off my swim (40:00), 20 minutes off my bike (3:10:00, a bump from my 16mph speed to 17.6, not a big reach) and reach my original goal of 2:00:00 on the run, that would leave me 10 minutes for Transitions and get me over the line in 6:00:00.
Set-up & Start
I got a lift from a BTCer from just down the street. We had never met until the day before the race, but I had seen him around at other events. At 5:00am sharp, he picked me up and we drove over. The morning was cool and calm but we weren't optimistic about the conditions since it was expected to be close to 100 that day. The one thing I had forgotten to do the day/night before was check my tire pressure, but fortunately Chris had a pump with him. I got set up in the transition area, and waited for my mother and grandmother to show up while I oriented myself in the transition area, waking from the swim entrance to my gear, from there to the bike exit, then from the bike entrance to my gear and from there to the run start. I picked a couple landmarks to orient on, which is good since one of them ended up moving. I didn't find my mother and grandmother until just before my start, but I got them oriented on when I would be coming through each part of the race.
The Swim 1.2 miles Goal 45 minutes. Safety 60 minutes. Actual 47:11 (but I was out of the waster in just over 45)
As I've mentioned before, I haven't been able to pick up freestyle adequately, so I just breast-stroked the whole thing. The start was great, there weren't too many people and we started out swimming into the sunrise. This meant I couldn't see the buoy markers, so I just followed the other swimmers. I had gotten tinted goggles a few days before the race and boy did they serve me well!
The sunrise also meant I got the most amazing effect of the sun sparkling off the water and through it when I was underwater. It was absolutely amazing, the kind of thing you could never describe adequately with words and even a still photograph wouldn't have done it justice as I was going in and out of the water. It was an amazing start and I knew then that it was going to be an amazing race. I managed to stay almost completely focused on the swim. A couple times my mind would think about the bike or the transition, but I'd quickly think to myself, "Yes, there will be a bike" or "Yes, there will be a transition" and it was quickly out of my mind. I also got to find out what it's like to not only swim in a wetsuit but to have to pee in ones wetsuit. Twice (I made sure I was far away from anyone else). I crossed the mat in 47:11, but was out in about 45, which was right in line with what I was hoping for.
Tim (one of the BTCers who only did the swim leg of the relay) and my grandmother greeted me on the way to T1. I could hear Tim calling my name as I crested the hill heading to transition but couldn't see him since I didn't have my glasses on. As I passed him I saw my grandmother, who called out to me. I called back and headed in for transition.
T1 No goal, just get out healthy, safely and without forgetting anything. Actual 2:04
There really isn't anything interesting to say about T1, which to me says it was a successful transition. I got in, stripped the suit fast and was unracking the bike so quickly I had to ask myself if I had forgotten something but I hadn't and finished in 2:04
The Bike Goal 3:30, Safety 4:00, Actual 3:28:55
I did great on the bike, I stuck to my pacing plan with my HR monitor, working in my Endurance range of 125-135bpm. I editted my nutrition plan slightly on the fly as I couldn't stand the taste of the Gatorade for some reason alternated margarita w. salt Clif Blocks with double concentrated Accelerade every 15 minutes, both taken with water.
The first lap was very nice, there was some cloud cover and it wasn't too hot at all. The first third of the loop is rolling hills on highway 36. The cars were never an issue and there weren't too many people on the course. I got passed by the lead male pro about 7-8 miles outand came in just under my 3:30 time goal at 3:28:55.
After an extended T2 due to a pit stop in the little blue relaxation hut, I was off on the run.
The Run - Goal 2:00:00, Safety 2:30:00, Actual 2:59:07
This is when I got stupid. I felt great. I felt really great and the run is my most comfortable leg. I couldn't get my HR down to where I wanted it though and was having daydreams of a sub 2:00:00 run flitting through my head so I convinced myself to run on RPE. This is where the Perceived part of RPE becomes problematic and why it doesn't work for me.
What felt easy was still too hard. I got halfway through the run still feeling awesome and if the run had been a 10k, I'd have whooped some major butt. Instead, I ended up with what was closer to a 2 hour second lap. If I had been smart and done what I KNEW I was supposed to do, what I had done during the bike and resulted in a great ride, I'd have probably finished in 2:35-2:40 for a sub 7 race.
Instead, I ended up with a 7:20 finish, last in my AG (except for the 4 DNF's).
Aside from that remarkable act of mental deficiency, I had a great race. I stayed focused on the swim during the swim. I stayed focused on the bike during the bike (my splits were pretty close to even, though I have to check the numbers) and the transitions were comfortable and smooth.
Even with that lapse, I had a great time and I'm looking forward to coming back stronger, faster and above all smarter, for next year. Who knows, maybe it will be a warm-up for a fall Iron Man...
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
5430 Aftermath
So, I kind of ended my race summary with the finish line,
but there are a few more things I should add.
Firstly, my timing at the finish line was terrible. I got
there just as they were announcing the winner of the computrainer, which meant
my name didn’t get called over the loudspeaker as I came down the chute.
Not a big deal, just one of those things I wish I hadn’t missed out on.
They gave us some very cool pint glasses at the finish line,
much more useful than a finisher’s medal which you feel kind of pompous
wearing at any point after race day.
I sucked down have a bottle of Gatorade Endurance before I
even got out of the chute, then I started wandering around looking for my
mother and grandmother. This is a spot where having my name called on the
loudspeaker would have been very helpful. I went and stood in the shad behind
the stage and started to think of where they’d be. This was where I had
told them to meet me that morning, so seemed like a good place to start. I was
just starting to look around when I spotted my mother, who looked both
terrified and relieved to see me. All that motherly panic and stuff. I assured
her I was as good as could be in the situation. Just then I crossed paths with
one of the Team In Training girls I had been leapfrogging on the run, she
looked like she was in about as good a shape as I was.
I sat in the shade for a little while with my mother and
grandmother, then headed over for a free post-race massage (featuring a cute
masseuse, which always makes it that much nicer. If any cute, single
masseuse’s are reading this, feel free to email me!) During the massage,
my mother suggested I should go back to their hotel and use the hot tub! I looked
at the guy next to me and at the same time we both said “Ice bath!”
I also had a single bite of a piece of pizza, which just didn’t sit well
in my stomach.
After the massage, which was amazing, I packed up my
transition and bike and we left. I had myself a small chocolate shake on the
way home and headed straight for the bathtub with a bucket of ice.
That was pretty much it for my day. I think I handled
everything as well as I could have and made the right decisions (pacing on the
bike, sports massage and ice bath after the race) except for that darn run.
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Set-up & Start
I got a lift from a BTCer from just down the street. We had never met until the day before the race, but I had seen him around at other events. At 5:00am sharp, he picked me up and we drove over. The morning was cool and calm but we weren't optimistic about the conditions since it was expected to be close to 100 that day. The one thing I had forgotten to do the day/night before was check my tire pressure, but fortunately Chris had a pump with him. I got set up in the transition area, and waited for my mother and grandmother to show up while I oriented myself in the transition area, waking from the swim entrance to my gear, from there to the bike exit, then from the bike entrance to my gear and from there to the run start. I picked a couple landmarks to orient on, which is good since one of them ended up moving. I didn't find my mother and grandmother until just before my start, but I got them oriented on when I would be coming through each part of the race.
The Swim - 1.2 miles, Goal 45 minutes. Safety 60 minutes. Actual 47:11 (but I was out of the waster in just over 45)
As I've mentioned before, I haven't been able to pick up freestyle adequately, so I just breast-stroked the whole thing. The start was great, there weren't too many people and we started out swimming into the sunrise. This meant I couldn't see the buoy markers, so I just followed the other swimmers. I had gotten tinted goggles a few days before the race and boy did they serve me well!
The sunrise also meant I got the most amazing effect of the sun sparkling off the water and through it when I was underwater. It was absolutely amazing, the kind of thing you could never describe adequately with words and even a still photograph wouldn't have done it justice as I was going in and out of the water. It was an amazing start and I knew then that it was going to be an amazing race. I managed to stay almost completely focused on the swim. A couple times my mind would think about the bike or the transition, but I'd quickly think to myself, "Yes, there will be a bike" or "Yes, there will be a transition" and it was quickly out of my mind. I also got to find out what it's like to not only swim in a wetsuit but to have to pee in ones wetsuit. Twice (I made sure I was far away from anyone else). I crossed the mat in 47:11, but was out in about 45, which was right in line with what I was hoping for.
Tim (one of the BTCers who only did the swim leg of the relay) and my grandmother greeted me on the way to T1. I could hear Tim calling my name as I crested the hill heading to transition but couldn't see him since I didn't have my glasses on. As I passed him I saw my grandmother, who called out to me. I called back and headed in for transition.
No goal, just get out healthy, safely and without forgetting anything. Actual 2:04
There really isn't anything interesting to say about T1, which to me says it was a successful transition. I got in, stripped the suit fast and was unracking the bike so quickly I had to ask myself if I had forgotten something but I hadn't and finished in 2:04
The Bike - 56 miles, Goal 3:30, Safety 4:00, Actual 3:28:55
I did great on the bike, I stuck to my pacing plan with my HR monitor, working in my Endurance range of 125-135bpm. I editted my nutrition plan slightly on the fly as I couldn't stand the taste of the Gatorade for some reason and alternated margarita w/salt Clif Blocks and double concentrated Accelerade every 15 minutes, both taken with water.
The first lap was very nice, there was some cloud cover and it wasn't too hot at all. The first third of the loop is rolling hills on highway 36. The cars were never an issue and there weren't too many people on the course. I got passed by the lead male pro about 7-8 miles out and he was FLYING. It was close to ten minutes before another pro passed me.
The middle portion starts with a big downhill going west on St Vrain and a pretty steady but very gradual downhill the rest of the way, it's a great place to really fly. The rest of the course is mostly South through fairly flat farmland with some small rollers and a slight uphill on the end before turning back into the reservoir access road. the turnaround was tight and apparently a lot of folks missed it but I got through without any trouble and from what I heard I was one of the faster people through (which I'm not sure I buy, but whatever).
The aid stations were great, the Boulder Tri Club had a great turnout at Aid 1 with lots of volunteers (including Chris MacCormack!) and seeing them really lifted my spirits. Aid 2 was not as well staffed but they still seemed to manage themselves well. Aid 3 had HAC's in Bikinis... there were guys too, but I didn't notice them since there were, y'know, women in bikinis. That lifted my spirits as well.
The second loop was great until i got to a point where I was 2:12 out on the bike, that was when the clouds broke and the sun and heat started pouring through. Again, Aids 1 and 3 were big boosts and coming into the last few miles I chatted with a couple other riders, playing leapfrog and feeling absolutely awesome coming into the reservoir for my run.
I popped off the bike and boy did it feel weird to run! Pretty smooth transition aside froma pit stop in the little blue relaxation hut (the port-a-john)
The Run - 13.1 miles, Goal 2:00, Safety 2:30, Actual 2:59
This is when I got stupid. I felt great. I felt really great and the run is my most comfortable leg. I couldn't get my HR down to where I wanted it though and was having daydreams of a sub 2:00:00 run flitting through my head so I convinced myself to run on RPE. This is where the Perceived part of RPE becomes problematic. What felt easy was still too hard. I got halfway through the run still feeling awesome and if the run had been a 10k, I'd have whooped some major butt. I even tried upping my pace a little shooting for a negative split. Instead, I ended up with what was closer to a 2 hour second lap. If I had been smart and done what I KNEW I was supposed to do, what I had done during the bike and resulted in a great ride, I'd have probably finished in 2:35-2:40 for a sub 7 race.
Instead, I ended up with a 7:21:55 finish, last in my AG (except for the 4 DNF's, there were 45 DNF's overall and about 200 people that registered but didn't start).
Aside from that remarkable act of mental deficiency, I had a great race. I stayed focused on the swim during the swim. I stayed focused on the bike during the bike (my splits were pretty close to even,
though I have to check the numbers) and the transitions were comfortable and smooth.
Even with that lapse, I had a great time and I'm looking forward to coming back stronger, faster and above all smarter, for next year. Who knows, maybe it will be a warm-up for a fall Iron Man...
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Friday, August 10, 2007
2 days to go...
Two days to go.
The forecast now is for a high of 94, partly cloudy and about 10% chance of precipitation. Nothing I haven’t trained in all summer, but I still wish it would be a little cooler.
Last night’s Stroke & Stride was abbreviated again, only one lap and I really wanted to get in two…
As soon as I got in the water I could feel the wetsuit floating me in the water, even just when I was halfway to my knees. When I got above my knees I could tell that the seams were leaking around my right knee. When I started swimming, I was stroking too fast, especially in my arms. I also felt like I lost a lot of power from my kick since my legs were floating so high in the water. My feet actually came out of the water more than a few times. On the plus side they weren’t sinking or dragging.
I never really felt like I got comfortable with my stroke. I think this is partly because of the reduction in my swim hours and partly the wetsuit. I’ll have to be sure to focus more on my form and stroke during the race on Sunday.
I went for a short jog with Klaus, one of the BTCers, immediately after the swim. We weren’t going to do the full 5k with the Long Course so close but it was good to loosen up the legs a little bit.
I practiced taking the suit off a few times as well while we waited for the race to start (delayed by 20 minutes) and believe me, it was a LOT easier when the suit was wet. No chafing problems and I hung it up to dry (inside out) once I got home. I’m glad I got the sleeveless suit, I think the full-sleeve would have been even tougher to take off and I liked feeling the water on my body.
I’m not freaking out yet, but I am definitely feeling kind of stressed and nervous. I’m not sure having my mother come out here for this race was a good idea since she isn’t exactly a calming influence. Oh well, too late to do anything about that.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
3 days to go
The forecast for Sunday now is up to a high of 92 with a 10% chance of rain. Basically it’s going to be hot and dry as all get out. One of the TV stations is calling for a high close to 100, but I stick with
I got my wetsuit today. I have the S&S tonight to try it out. I’m not going to do the run afterwards, just the swim and then cheer everyone home.
Today is when I’ve really started to get nervous. I’ve had people from the BTC ( wishing me luck as well as triscoopers ( and it’s really starting to hit home that this is a big deal. I’ve been so close to it for so many months I’ve kind of lost a sense of perspective on the whole thing and it’s like suddenly I’m stepping back and looking at the enormity of it and finding that it’s kind of imposing.Why do I always make my first steps such big ones?
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
4 days
Alright. It’s Wednesday. 4 days until the race.
I’m doing my best to take it easy. I’ll go out tonight for a short run, 20-30 minutes at OD effort. I haven’t been training on my bike this week because I spend so much time cycling around town anyway I’m not too concerned about keeping that in shape. Tonight will be the big bike cleanup.
I started packing my transition bag last night. I’ll do more tonight but won’t be able to really finish until Saturday.
I picked up a tri-suit the other day and I’m not sure whether I should wear it or not. It’s very comfortable, just slightly naked feeling. I’m also not sure I should switch to something I’m not as familiar with.
Haven’t trained with it as much
Indistinct, no BTC stuff
Plusses (+)
No Sleeves
Easier/faster transition
Here’s a smart move. I decided to wear the tri-suit to work today. I wanted to see how comfortable I was in it and see if that comfort would last all day (followed by a short run this evening). Well, it has been comfortable. The catch is, any time I want to use the restroom I have to completely take off my collared shirt, unzip the tri-suit and pull it almost completely off so that I can do so.
Not my wisest decision.
Sandals (wear)
Running shoes
Bike shoes
Glasses w/sunglasses & croakies (wear)
Bike (duh!)
3 packs Clif Shot Blocks
2 packs Sharkies
2 Clif Shots (Apple Pie)
2 Accel Gels (chocolate)
2 CO2 Cannisters
1 Spare tube
1 Patch Kit
3 tire levers
1 multi-tool
Goggles (not Googles)
Anti-fog lens cleaner
HR Monitor
Some links for the fun of it…
A great shot at the so-called “Alliance to Save Nantucket Sound” or, more appropriately, the Anti-Cape Wind campaign. Leave it to the Daily show to point out just how ridiculous these rich, self-absorbed so-and-so’s really are.
Imagine that, having your baby sit in front of a television DOESN’T make them smarter! In fact, it slows their development. Who’d have thought?