Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stuff I Love - Vibram Five Finger

There are few things that have made running more enjoyable for me than my Vibram Five Fingers.
Early in my running days, while living in Boston, I gave barefoot running a try. The less than savory city sidewalks brought that to a quick halt and I found myself wishing I could just paint a layer of protective rubber on the soles of my feet. When I finally saw a pair of Vibrams, many years later, I was  instantly smitten. It took a while to get a pair, but now I have three.

It would be difficult to get into the exact reasons why I love them so much without going into a long discussion about barefoot running. Suffice it to say that if you asked me who designed the better foot, Phil Knight with his waffle iron or thousands of years of Evolution, I side with Evolution. Vibram Five Fingers enable evolution's work to apply seamlessly in the modern world. They fit like a glove, shed water faster than you'd believe, they're light and warmer than you would expect. I even ran in slush in them with less discomfort than in other running shoes which hold water next to your skin. I have also found them to be absolutely amazing for blister prevention. Beyond amazing really.
One complaint I have is that they seem to get stinky faster than most shoes. Fortunately, tossing them in the laundry is also less of an issue than it would be with other running shoes.  The other potential drawback is that they stand out and draw a lot of attention. This isn't necessarily bad, but when I'm out on a run I don't want to have to stop and explain how much I like my shoes all the time.

If I didn't love them, I wouldn't run the hundreds of miles in them that I have.

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