In either case during my preparation for the 2004 NYC Marathon I would occasionally find myself stepping out for a run unshod. As I was living in Boston at the time, running the streets and sidewalks sans-soles was not terribly appealing since the sidewalks often had glass or other less pleasnat material on them. In fact, it was a disgusting idea. So I would trot over to a nearby track and do laps on the grass. The onset of cold weather followed by an extended break from running after the mearathon meant I didn't pick it up again for some time.
At graduate school running was my great escape and I would slip back into barefoot running whenever it rained. A lap around campus on wet concrete and grass was both more exhilirating and relaxing than any other escape I could conceive.
When I moved to Boulder I continue my shoeless jaunts in the rain, though these were fewer in Boulder's dry climate. They were also still almost always quite short, largely because I was self-conscious about it. It attracted odd looks, even in Boulder.
Lately, though, I've been doing it more. In part because I started running in Vibrams and in part because I miss the sensation of the earth/grass/road on my feet. I enjoy feeling more connected to the environment around me and the sensation of nimble-footedness that you cannot get in any pair of running shoes. And really, isn't enjoying it what it's all about?
1 comment:
I agree with you. Vibrams are great shoes. It attempts to give you the experience of being barefoot while still protecting your foot from any foreign objects on the ground. I really can't imagine running with wearing them on. By the way, you might be interested to read an article on "Barefoot running versus Barefoot shoes". It's very informative. Check it our here.
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