Monday, January 26, 2009

Where I've been

I found myself, for various reasons, working on a post about goals for the coming year and I got most of the way through the post before realizing that I was looking down the road to where I was going, without first reflecting on where I am and where I’ve been over the past year.

Looking back, it was an interesting year… the first half was almost completely consumed by my thesis. The rest of my time went into training. The work paid off though as I finished graduate school with my masters and got the heck out of Cinci.

When graduation time came around, I was already sitting pretty with a job offer. In February, my employer for my last Co-Op, Boulder Associates, emailed me saying they were looking at their staffing needs for the coming year and would I like a full-time position? Heck yeah!

I moved out to Boulder (aka Heaven!) and managed to even move into the same place I had lived before, that kind of stability is great for someone who had to move almost 10 times in the prior 3 years.

When it came to my training, I took almost 10 minutes off my half-marathon time and almost an hour off my Half-Ironman time (thanks Mark!) and committed myself to doing my first Iron distance race in September 2009. I also got a powertap... huzzah!

Most important of all, I was the best man at my brother’s wedding and my sister asked me to be the godfather for her first child as I am now getting along with my siblings better than I have at almost any other point in my life.

2008 was a  very good year, I hope to make 2009 even better.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Godfather? AWESOME! I had not heard this exciting news. Nice.