Saturday, October 18, 2008

Going Green - Pick it Up!

Today was a spectacularly beautiful fall day, one of those days when you're glad just to be alive and living in some place as beautiful as Boulder. Why then is it that as I was out on the creek path for my last tune-up run before the Denver Half tomorrow morning the one thing I kept noticing was the litter on the ground?
Candy wrappers, napkins, assorted bits of paper and plastic... it was everywhere. The Boulder creek path is well maintained, but still, I couldn't help noticing it.
Finally, I decided "I'm going to do something about this." I stopped and picked up the first piece of litter I saw and carried it until I saw a wastebasket and then dropped it in. Then I did it again, and for the rest of my run. Pick up one piece of litter and carry it until I saw a trashbin and threw it out. Such a simple thing to do really and maybe it doesn't seem like it would make much of a difference, but I bet if I did this every day when I'm out running on the trails, paths or roads of my home or while walking to work, it would make a difference.
How much more of a difference would it make if more people did it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that question you put at the end is the main thought behind going green.

What if everyone did a little bit?

I know I'm not a "green" person but I'm not against doing a little bit for a major cause.