Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Last Tuesday was a bear of a day. Long day at work…. BAD day at work… and I ended up not working out that day because of it, and that cost me. Not just because of training, but mentally and emotionally.
Going into this Monday I knew I had another deadline for that same project so I went in a little early, 7:45 instead of 8 or 8:30. I ended up not leaving the office until 8:25pm. Very, very, very long day.
Last Tuesday, I was so drained that when I got home, I basically ate dinner and vegged/recovered. It felt too late in the day to work out.
This monday night I got home, set up my bike trainer (finally!), grabbed a bagel, banana and some water and hopped on the bike to get in my 90 minute bike ride. Lesson Learned and Lesson APPLIED!
What made it even more interesting was when my roommate came home a little while after me (having worked a torturous 5 hour day) and made brownies. Fortunately she’s the kind, considerate and compassionate sort and brought a couple in to me along with a glass of milk. What a saint! Health food it wasn’t, but damn it was good for my soul!

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