Saturday, June 07, 2008

Whoa... A New Post?!?

There are few things that I have found to be more important in my own training than momentum. When you have momentum, even if the workouts aren't going great, it's easy to keep it going and the workouts will come around.
When you don't have it or when it gets lost... it's hard to build up again.
This week has been all about trying to rebuild momentum again. I've been feeling fat and slow and lazy. The momentum I had for so long was lost in the insanity that was graduate school and my thesis. I was getting 4-5 hours of sleep a night for about 3 weeks and there were a couple 3-4 day stretches when I didn't go home, just slept on a couch in studio for a couple hours before waking up and going back to work. my workouts fell off a lot. Most of my runs were for stress reduction reasons and I got only one swim and one bike ride each week in each of those three weeks.
This week, I was finally, FINALLY able to start working out and having *gasp* free time again. I practically had to mentally berate myself early this week to get myself to do my workouts. But I did them, albeit not well. My swim especially has been terrible. My right arm has been getting tired earlier in the workout than I had been and my hand has been cramping slightly and 'complaining' about being held stiff through the workout.
Yesterday was the first day it felt really right to be working out. Not just feeling good to be physically active, but I didn't have to really push myself to do the workout.
I've got my momentum back!

1 comment:

Athletic Wannabee said...

Don't sweat it. Down time is a part of everyone's life/schedule, whether planned or not. You're getting back on the horse, w/ minimal setbacks. Having that pro-active attitude, realizing that extended time off can be healthy and that a gradual re-building back to normal training levels is key to staying positive.
Remember, this is FUN!