Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Week in review (a little late)

Meant to post on Sunday, but I got caught up on other stuff.
I had a good week training. I missed my bike workout on Tuesday and was tempted to try to make it up... I almost did. But then a little voice of reason pointed out that if I did try to do that, I wouldn't be properly rested for the other planned workouts on Wednesday and Thursday so I decided against it.

I also noted that there is an optional bike and an optional swim planned for each Sunday, which allowed for a little extra flex so i decided I'd see how I felt after my Sunday long run and if possible, get in an hour of spinning. As it turned out, I didn't feel up for it.

6200 yards in the pool.
63.8 miles on the bike (with one workout missed).
23.15 miles running. Probably would have been a little bit more but my Thursday track workout was moved to the pool for a water running workout.


MarkyV said...

Good on ya for not trying to make it up.

Umm... what's up with the pool jog?

Keep it up dude... looks great!!!

Brenda said...

Definitely not my idea! I wasn't too thrilled about it, but it was a decent workout.