Monday, July 17, 2006

Toe the Line

When I was 15 I went to see the Boston Marathon for the first time in my life. My motivation for going was a mission of mercy, to keep a friend company while he spent the day with his family but when it came time to go, well, I wasn't too eager. The opportunity to spend the day with another friend came up and the new option sounded a lot more fun than standing in the heat watching some crazy runners for three or four hours.
With a little prodding (ok, a lot) I went and was mesmerized by the insanity of it all. Here were people who had paid money for the opportunity to torture themselves. It was bizarre, it was incomprehensible, it was... intriguing.
Flash forward 12 years, I've run two marathons, I'm in training for my third this fall and I've recently started tuning in to the podcasts of Steve Runner's Phedippidations, Adam Tinkoff's Burning Twenty and Runner Matt's Dump Runners Club. There really isn't a lot out there for running entertainment and podcasts though so I decided I would add my own voice and thoughts and give the podcasting milieu a try. I don't have any podcasting or broadcasting experience, I still have to get a microphone, but I'm looking forward to giving this a shot.
I plan on covering race reports of races I've done in the past and as I do them, reviews of running books I've read, different running plans, update you on any significant running news and eventually do some runcasts. I'm also looking forward to receivinng listener & reader feedback and hope you'll help guide me on this online Odyssey.
I hope to have my first podcast up by the end of the week, I hope you'll check it out.

Chaser Bren

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