Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving: The Aftermath

1:03:52 7mi; TM - Hill 2; HR=161

Easy run buildup for HM. Followed 7 miles with 1'00" @ 8.5, HR=185; 1'00" @ 9.0, HR=189; 1'00" @ 9.5 HR=191

A great run, it feels fantastic to cut loose like I did at the end. Towards the end of the LR (I was at about a 8'00" mile then) my HR was in the high 170's but it still felt like a pretty easy effort. I was able to talk to Lee when he stumbled on the TM next to me without a problem. So I still find myself wondering what HR level I should be training at since 160 is my 80% point (I believe. It could be even higher than 80%).

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving: The Aftermath

I weighed myself this morning. 159 pounds. I've never been 159 pounds. Not acceptable. This is war now ladies and gentlemen. War!

0:32:15 4mi; Outdoors; HR=174

Tempo run, 1600m followed by 30 second cooldowns

wtd: 7.28mi

I need to start getting on my brother, I know he isn't preparing for Disney. I know it because he's lazy and that's why he's 300lbs.

43 days to Disney and the Goofy Challenge.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Another Run Bites the Dust

I fly home to Boston tomorrow morning for the traditional Thanksgiving feast. For today I got a decent run in after taking Monday as a recovery day from my 12 miles (should have been more) on Sunday.

0:25:00 3.28mi; Treadmill Hill setting; 1:00 @ 8.5mph

wtd: 3.28mi

I really need to start doing more runs outside but I've been wimping out on the cold weather.

46 days to Disney and the Goofy Challenge.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Week Ending 11/5/06

This will be my Workout Log for the week ending 11/5/06
Run - 7.45mi 1:00:00 Treadmill-Hill1
WTD Run - 7.45
Tough run, 6am and when I finished, I honked up all the water I had drank (very unpleasant) but I felt ok afterwards. I didn't eat breakfast beforehand and drank a lot of water and pushed real hard at the end... bad combination, so I'll just look out for that in the future.
Run - 2.85mi 0:22:00 Treadmill-Hill1
WTD Run - 10.3
Up to 7.9mph on the 'mill, next week I should be at goal pace (8.0mph/7:30 pace) and 3.1 mile distance and then I'll just work on increasing the Hill levels and running outdoors again.
Run 3.1mi 0:23:55 Treadmill-Hill1
Run 1.0mi 0:06:33 Track
WTD RUN - 14.4
Goal distance set and met for midweek runs (3.1mi) and a quick mile after a short rest.
Tried to do some podcast recording, came out terrible, retry tomorrow, Triday!

Run 6.0mi 0:54:35 Treadmill-Hill2
WTD RUN - 20.4
Good run, taking it easier on the Saturday runs since I'll be running the Half-Mary at my brother's pace, which is probably even slower than this, but I would go bonkers if I ran much slower.
Run 10.0mi 1:24:00 Treadmill-Hill1
WTD RUN - 30.4
Another good run, 7 miles in the first hour, then 3 miles at 8:00 pace and felt great. Then I got off, the treadmill, started working and had some pretty significant pain in my heal.
This is not good.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Injury report

Alright folks, thanks for stopping by. I’ve had some minor technical difficulties (the USPS lost my new iRiver) and medical difficulties so haven’t really been down for working on this, but I’m gonna give it a go.

So the medical problem… well, with the assistance of a colorblind Lexus owner I wiped out on my bike while riding into Boston . After a visit with an appropriate medical professional I discovered I had sprained my ankle and broke my foot, or rather, had them sprained and broken for me. You can imagine how thrilled I have been about that, but I’m trying to make the best of it. The Doc said 3 months of no running (I’m shooting for 2) but I can bike, swim and use the elliptical as much as I like. So, once I get to school I’m going to dive into all three. I still biked to and from work a couple times since the accident, 16-17 miles each way, and I’m enjoying the bikerides. The ironic thing is once I start actually doing this podcast… I won’t be running. I will however be discussing the immense frustrations that can come with this kind of injury, my recovery, general marathon news and my continuing quest to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

One other possibility for discussion is that since I’ll be working far ore on biking and swimming, it may be time to start considering a triathlon. The marathon is still my raison d’etre but I hope the increase in cross training will give that training an added boost.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Toe the Line

When I was 15 I went to see the Boston Marathon for the first time in my life. My motivation for going was a mission of mercy, to keep a friend company while he spent the day with his family but when it came time to go, well, I wasn't too eager. The opportunity to spend the day with another friend came up and the new option sounded a lot more fun than standing in the heat watching some crazy runners for three or four hours.
With a little prodding (ok, a lot) I went and was mesmerized by the insanity of it all. Here were people who had paid money for the opportunity to torture themselves. It was bizarre, it was incomprehensible, it was... intriguing.
Flash forward 12 years, I've run two marathons, I'm in training for my third this fall and I've recently started tuning in to the podcasts of Steve Runner's Phedippidations, Adam Tinkoff's Burning Twenty and Runner Matt's Dump Runners Club. There really isn't a lot out there for running entertainment and podcasts though so I decided I would add my own voice and thoughts and give the podcasting milieu a try. I don't have any podcasting or broadcasting experience, I still have to get a microphone, but I'm looking forward to giving this a shot.
I plan on covering race reports of races I've done in the past and as I do them, reviews of running books I've read, different running plans, update you on any significant running news and eventually do some runcasts. I'm also looking forward to receivinng listener & reader feedback and hope you'll help guide me on this online Odyssey.
I hope to have my first podcast up by the end of the week, I hope you'll check it out.

Chaser Bren