I decided to bike into Denver yesterday to meet up with my friend Priya for dinner. She had been promising me her beet pasta for ages and I was finally going to try it out. First I had to get there though.
I had budgetted 2-3 hours to get there, it should only have been about 30 miles and I had chosen what I thought was a simple route. What actually happened was closer to a 4 hour bike ride and involved me getting lost twice.
The first time I took a turn on Wadsworth Parkway instead of Wadsworth Boulevard and ended up taking a very hairy trip on an overpass over Rte 36 with lots of traffic, no shoulder and a guardrail only about a foot and a half high. I was significantly less than excited about that.
The second time was even worse as I got lost in a less than comfortable neighborhood in West Denver. Let's just say they probably didn't see many people passing through wearing one piece trisuits on TT bikes. I didn't even stop to figure out where I was, I just kept moving, though I was stymied by a couple dead end streets.
By the time I got to Priya's, I was exhausted and starving. Fortunately a shower, food, comfy couch and charming company were all waiting for me.
The beet pasta was worth the trip.