Well, THAT was a fun travel experience!
The Snow seems to be following me. When i left Cincinnati, it was snowing and icing and creating travel problems, though it worked out better for me after all was said and done.
When got to Boulder, it snowed for most of my visit.
When I came to Boston, I first flew from Denver to Charlotte, NC. once in Charlotte, my flight to Boston was canceled since Boston was expecting a foot of snow. The odds of getting into Boston last night looked slim, but I booked the 6:15 flight on the chance that the snow would have let it by the time we went to land.
To give you an idea of how bad it was in Boston, it took my aunt 5 hours to get home from work. People were abandoning their cars on the roads and in tunnels because they were running out of gas due to gridlock.
I tried taking some pictures, but they just don't do it justice.
Anyhow, the 6:15 flight did eventually take off, though with about a 40 minute delay. Then there was also a 20 minute delay in landing while we waited for a runway to clear up
, but we did eventually land safely, but the amount of snow on the ground and runways really made me wonder whether that was a good idea!
but I arrived safe and sound and my good friend Nicole was kind enough to pick me up at the airport.
Unfortunately, since I spent all of yesterday in airports I didn't get to work out at all. Well, i started off this morning with some cross training.
The Scots do cabre tossing at their highland games. I got to do Christmas tree tossing. my grandfather does Christmas tree sales every year to raise money for the Jimmy Fund and it's done on his front lawn. With all the snow, we had to clear the lawn so i came down and helped moved the snow covered trees (they're much heavier covered in snow) and haul them all over the yard, clearing the snow, then putting all the trees back. There are only about 30 left at this point, but that still means hauling around 30 Christmas trees!
Now I'm tired and sore and going to relax. I'll hit the roads for a run later tonight, but for now, I'm just going to rest.