1:03:52 7mi; TM - Hill 2; HR=161
Easy run buildup for HM. Followed 7 miles with 1'00" @ 8.5, HR=185; 1'00" @ 9.0, HR=189; 1'00" @ 9.5 HR=191
A great run, it feels fantastic to cut loose like I did at the end. Towards the end of the LR (I was at about a 8'00" mile then) my HR was in the high 170's but it still felt like a pretty easy effort. I was able to talk to Lee when he stumbled on the TM next to me without a problem. So I still find myself wondering what HR level I should be training at since 160 is my 80% point (I believe. It could be even higher than 80%).
Easy run buildup for HM. Followed 7 miles with 1'00" @ 8.5, HR=185; 1'00" @ 9.0, HR=189; 1'00" @ 9.5 HR=191
A great run, it feels fantastic to cut loose like I did at the end. Towards the end of the LR (I was at about a 8'00" mile then) my HR was in the high 170's but it still felt like a pretty easy effort. I was able to talk to Lee when he stumbled on the TM next to me without a problem. So I still find myself wondering what HR level I should be training at since 160 is my 80% point (I believe. It could be even higher than 80%).
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