Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving: The Aftermath

1:03:52 7mi; TM - Hill 2; HR=161

Easy run buildup for HM. Followed 7 miles with 1'00" @ 8.5, HR=185; 1'00" @ 9.0, HR=189; 1'00" @ 9.5 HR=191

A great run, it feels fantastic to cut loose like I did at the end. Towards the end of the LR (I was at about a 8'00" mile then) my HR was in the high 170's but it still felt like a pretty easy effort. I was able to talk to Lee when he stumbled on the TM next to me without a problem. So I still find myself wondering what HR level I should be training at since 160 is my 80% point (I believe. It could be even higher than 80%).

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving: The Aftermath

I weighed myself this morning. 159 pounds. I've never been 159 pounds. Not acceptable. This is war now ladies and gentlemen. War!

0:32:15 4mi; Outdoors; HR=174

Tempo run, 1600m followed by 30 second cooldowns

wtd: 7.28mi

I need to start getting on my brother, I know he isn't preparing for Disney. I know it because he's lazy and that's why he's 300lbs.

43 days to Disney and the Goofy Challenge.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Another Run Bites the Dust

I fly home to Boston tomorrow morning for the traditional Thanksgiving feast. For today I got a decent run in after taking Monday as a recovery day from my 12 miles (should have been more) on Sunday.

0:25:00 3.28mi; Treadmill Hill setting; 1:00 @ 8.5mph

wtd: 3.28mi

I really need to start doing more runs outside but I've been wimping out on the cold weather.

46 days to Disney and the Goofy Challenge.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Week Ending 11/5/06

This will be my Workout Log for the week ending 11/5/06
Run - 7.45mi 1:00:00 Treadmill-Hill1
WTD Run - 7.45
Tough run, 6am and when I finished, I honked up all the water I had drank (very unpleasant) but I felt ok afterwards. I didn't eat breakfast beforehand and drank a lot of water and pushed real hard at the end... bad combination, so I'll just look out for that in the future.
Run - 2.85mi 0:22:00 Treadmill-Hill1
WTD Run - 10.3
Up to 7.9mph on the 'mill, next week I should be at goal pace (8.0mph/7:30 pace) and 3.1 mile distance and then I'll just work on increasing the Hill levels and running outdoors again.
Run 3.1mi 0:23:55 Treadmill-Hill1
Run 1.0mi 0:06:33 Track
WTD RUN - 14.4
Goal distance set and met for midweek runs (3.1mi) and a quick mile after a short rest.
Tried to do some podcast recording, came out terrible, retry tomorrow, Triday!

Run 6.0mi 0:54:35 Treadmill-Hill2
WTD RUN - 20.4
Good run, taking it easier on the Saturday runs since I'll be running the Half-Mary at my brother's pace, which is probably even slower than this, but I would go bonkers if I ran much slower.
Run 10.0mi 1:24:00 Treadmill-Hill1
WTD RUN - 30.4
Another good run, 7 miles in the first hour, then 3 miles at 8:00 pace and felt great. Then I got off, the treadmill, started working and had some pretty significant pain in my heal.
This is not good.